Are you turning into a Manga/Anime character?


when i go to expo's i always act goofy like an anime characters, even my mum thinks im going weird. lol owel i like it i think it would be fun.
i used to be called aisha clan clan once because of my really annoying laugh.
to be honest i have never really thought about being an anime/manga character, or even think that i could have some sort of resemblence to one. Mind you the only thing i could go on is that i used to keep to myself and just be silent but that was a while ago, but now i would have no idea who i would mind to be like or even if there is one i am like now :? .
Manga Girls said:
I wouldn't mind being Nana O from NANA, she's a pretty cool lady!

I second that, she is very awsome! She reminded me of Rin from FB ^_^

Someone commented to me a few days ago that they thought I was like Erika from Mega Tokyo. It's been said before, but i'm not sure if it's true ^.^; Or whether its a compliment? o_O

Hurrah- lets be Nana O fangirls! I may be tempted to buy Nana merchandise. I did see a punk tie made by a Gothic Lolita label which I'm considering. Don't know what I'd wear it with... :shock:

Watched up to episode 20 of the anime so far and I'm loving it.

M.G xx
Manga Girls said:

Hurrah- lets be Nana O fangirls! I may be tempted to buy Nana merchandise. I did see a punk tie made by a Gothic Lolita label which I'm considering. Don't know what I'd wear it with... :shock:

Watched up to episode 20 of the anime so far and I'm loving it.

M.G xx

Yes! I was scanning Ebay yesterday and there is alot of Nana cos-play stuff at the moment.
I was thinking of buying some after xmas ^_^

I'm up to ep, 29, 30 and 31 arn't subbed yet so have watched them Raw, doesn't look good! ToT!
Actually I had a dream last night where I was an anime character from the series "Otogi-jushi Akazukin" and I was being chased by Cendrillion and her magic mirrors (it the last anime I watched before falling asleep at my work desk), very cool dream loads of anime characters where there as well as some of my mates. I love it when dreams like that happen. Now if I could only dream about Black Lagoon and gun fighting with Revi ;)
Wish I could remember my dreams. A dream about Loveless would be fine as I'm currently a total fangirl of the manga at the moment. But I wouldn't mind having a Last Exile dream either, being on the Silvana would be fun.

M.G xx
If it’s alternative realities we’re talking of maybe I’d have some fun hanging out in Tokyo with Nana girls and gang - go to ‘Jackson Hole’ and see if the burgers are as good as they say they are, show Nobu or Ren a thing or two on how to play guitar if I’m persuaded :wink:
Perhaps though I don’t know them well enough yet – I’ve only read 2 volumes – they’d be like – “…who the hell are you?â€
Hey Jimi-Jam

Yes, that's always puzzled me - Nana K always says the burgers there are good. I'm wondering if thats a real chain restaurant or a made up restaurant created by the manga-ka to make us all go "Oooh... I want to go there and eat that."

But, yes, if it was possible to go to alternate realities ala Sliders then the Nana's world would be my first stop!

Have you checked out the anime online? It's really good, I'm up to episode 29 so far.....

M.G xx
Manga Girls said:
Yes, that's always puzzled me - Nana K always says the burgers there are good. I'm wondering if thats a real chain restaurant or a made up restaurant created by the manga-ka to make us all go "Oooh... I want to go there and eat that"
Funny you should say that; I had to scan the manga again to check this – turns up in the bonus pages where they kinda have fun answering the fanmail etc (all still in character) - they mention the fact that Jackson Hole is indeed a real place in Tokyo, a restaurant and bar - conveniently provide a full address, you can have a real ‘Jackson Burger’ and apparently you even meet the real Koichi Sato that works there!! – how’s that for alternate realities?

Strange thing occurred to me - would they be speaking in Japanese with English subtitles in this alternate-reality/dream?

Not yet ventured into sourcing any anime online; not decided what my policy on this is yet - still glad to get away from my PC when ever I can and sit down and watch stuff properly - very tempted with Nana mind, but maybe I’ll savour the manga first, as and when I get hold of it , and then think about seeking out the anime after that.
I’m envious of you being so far ahead in the story though…

Oh My Gosh - really... it's a real place run by Sato, how cool is that. I would love to be immortalised as a manga character.

The anime is a little repetitive at the start but from 18 to 29, the story gets really interesting. You start to learn more about Trapnest/Blast and their impact on each other.

M.G xx
Talk about turning into an anime/manga character…he IS his anime/manga character!

[sarcasm]…All flock to Jackson Hole in Tokyo and worship at the feet of Koichi Sato![/sarcasm]

Well, maybe try a Jackson burger at least...
Guyver 0 said:
Well after a marathan reading session my friend claims to see the world in boxes,

i don't

i see it in black and white

Thats nothing this morning I woke up with a zanpaktou on one side of me and a hollows head on the other (when I wiped the sleep out of my eyes the hollow's head had become a pillow...... yet the sword remained :!: )
I’ve come across a couple of new characters to possibly aspire to:
The cool and calculating Alex Rowe – captain of the Silvana in Last Exile...or...
The equally cool (but in a different way) and stylishly dressed George Kiozumi from Paradise Kiss.

Now it’s a tough choice between getting to wear a swish cape and military-style uniform as Alex vs. driving a sexy E-Type Jaguar convertible as the sharp-suited George - not sure about his green hair, but it does comes with the bonus of the pretty Yukari in the passenger seat :wink:

Your post made me laugh, so thank you!

Funnily enough, ever since I watched Last Exile, I have acquired a penchant for military jackets (No cape so far - LOL...) I will be getting my Yuki haircut this weekend, so by Sunday I will be a purple haired Yuki in a military style getup.

M.G xx
Manga Girls said:
Your post made me laugh, so thank you!
Glad to provide some entertainment :wink:

Manga Girls said:
...I will be a purple haired Yuki in a military style getup
...Sounds intriguing.
I guess Yuki does have purple eyes so I suppose there is a sense of continuity there.