Arbalests Archive

right...i was bored the day on the i drew this, it was in my homework diary so excuse the extra lines, its amazing that i actually was able to draw this on the bus with all the commotion that goes on :?
i just realised that most of my pictures are gone because of the new 100Kb i will repost the links of them as soon as i get them all up on photobucket
Just in case people was wondering why i haven't added anything new recently..i have been kinda out of idea's...but i got a picture which i think i will do soon enough but i need a good space of time to do it, so i may be another week or so before i post my next picture on here
Its been a while but here is my latest drawing for you all to see. i still got to add the last couple of finishing touches to it...shading...and a bit more detail but thats about it.
a looked through some of them..its more the kingdom hearts design of her..but i altered it slightly...and still going to add more when i get the rest of the detail done.