Anyone recommend a good Mystery film


Ive got a sudden urge to watch mystery and twist ending films, here are some ive seen.

Fight Club
The Usual Suspects
The Sixth Sense

I doubt you can point out many better than this bunch.
Clue - the DVD has three endings and you can have the dvd choose which ending each time so you don't know who did it. Also a brilliant Tim Curry movie
Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, Old Boy and Lady Vengeance (aka Sympathy for Lady Vengeance) spring to mind. Maybe R-Point could be worth a watch too (though I was a bit disappointed with that one).

It was slated but The Village isn't that bad (in my opinion) and Unbreakable, though I'm not a fan of that one.

The two Saw films as well, which are in the same vein as Seven (pun not attended, if you get my jist).

I don't know whether it qualifies as a mystery (I think it does have a strong mystery element about it) but Audition as well. And while were at it maybe Ichi the Killer (anime & live action film).

Oh, oh oh! One that is a dead cert has to be the excellent A History of Violence!

I'll think of some more later.

P.S. The Butterfly Effect possibly too.
Thanks for all these suggestions, Ive seen Unbreakable and Saw 1 both decent films, ill have a look into some of the others mentioned.
After watching it again last night one modern classic mystery has to be The Fugitive!

The Secret Window is another one.

I'd also say the brilliant The Constant Gardener is too. :)
Or the old-school murder-mysteries starring Humphrey Bogart. The Big Sleep and the Maltese Falcon are old b/w efforts but they capture the classic vibe superbly.
Rukario said:
So it's mostly down to Kevin Spacey and Johnny Depp movies.

I don't think there are that many of their films recommended. Not by me anyway.

But I see the point about Kevin Spacey.

Still, at least it isn't Tom Hanks. ;-D
Xelis said:
Hovis! said:
Still, at least it isn't Tom Hanks. ;-D

How dare you!

Green Mile, Saving Private Ryan and Forest Gump are amazing movies!

I stand (or sit as the case maybe) corrected. :oops: :D

I confess, all those are good films. Scratch that! Excellent films as a matter of fact.
I'd definately recommend Old Boy, one of the best films in the past ten years, and it has the twists in plot that you're looking for. If you like Sixth Sense then you'll probably like other Shyamalan films: Unbreakable, Signs, The Village and also Lady In The Water has just come out (but reviews arn't too good so far.)
mikeormy said:
If you like Sixth Sense then you'll probably like other Shyamalan films: Unbreakable, Signs, The Village and also Lady In The Water has just come out (but reviews arn't too good so far.)
to smash that up. I loved the Sixth Sense, probably one of my favourite movies and Unbreakable was decent but Signs and The Village were complete tosh! Signs was a good idea but poorly executed and The Village.. well less said about that the better.
WTFDaveMustaine said:
mikeormy said:
If you like Sixth Sense then you'll probably like other Shyamalan films: Unbreakable, Signs, The Village and also Lady In The Water has just come out (but reviews arn't too good so far.)
to smash that up. I loved the Sixth Sence, probably one of my favourite movies and Unbreakable was decent but Signs and The Village were complete tosh! Signs was a good idea but poorly executed and The Village.. well less said about that the better.

I'm just gonna go with the fact that they all SUCK :x
mcicy said:
WTFDaveMustaine said:
mikeormy said:
If you like Sixth Sense then you'll probably like other Shyamalan films: Unbreakable, Signs, The Village and also Lady In The Water has just come out (but reviews arn't too good so far.)
to smash that up. I loved the Sixth Sense, probably one of my favourite movies and Unbreakable was decent but Signs and The Village were complete tosh! Signs was a good idea but poorly executed and The Village.. well less said about that the better.

I'm just gonna go with the fact that they all SUCK :x
You didn't like the Sixth Sense? suck!!!
The Others is better than all the aforementioned I'm afraid. Though as they say, that's a matter of opinion (I'm a diplomatic soul aren't I?).

I liked The Village personaly.

Far more useful "reality" (if that's an accurate description to begin with) experiment than Big Brother and all that bollocks lol.

But hey! Each to their own. :-D

I mean, some people prefer Kingsmill to - get this! - Hovis!

Would you believe it eh? lol