Any Bands/Singers that you don't particularly like?

I don't like morissey as well, but for some reason I love that opening for charmed... specially as it's not his version =)
I dont like the divas. All of them, but celine dion particularly annoys me.
Oh yeah, I don't like An Café either, vocalist sounds like a whiney bitch in all songs, plus they're all traps, how bad can you get?
Lupus Inu said:
Oh yeah, I don't like An Café either, vocalist sounds like a whiney bitch in all songs, plus they're all traps, how bad can you get?

They're better now that Bou has left.Just...urgh.They're really sugary though :/
Spyro201 said:
eggybob said:
Well for me, it's Gallows and 30 seconds to Mars.


You reminded me. I hate the Gallows too :lol:

Ditto with the Gallows thing. It's a bloody endurance trial to listen to a full song. I don't perticularly like 30 Seconds To Mars, but "The Kill" isn't bad. As for other bands... Lostprophets, Funeral For A Friend, Simple Plan and Fallout Boy are the ones I have Vendetta's against.
RetroRainbow said:
I used to adore the Foo Fighters~ specifically, their album, 'The Color and the Shape', but I really dislike their new stuff. And I start giggling when I hear 'Best of You', as childish as it sounds. THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST, etc. Even now when someone mentions the word 'best', I'll start giggling.
I'll admit their recent stuff has been meh by their standards, but compared to most things today, it's still decent.
Hate is such a STRONG word. At the moment tho, I'd probably have to say I HATE DUFFY. Sorry Duffy fans but she really does my nut.
Yagami said:
Any bands that are english, but sing in a american accent. Eg. Mc Fly.
Now face the wrath of this thread's resident McFly fan... *Evil grin*
Nah, just kidding, it's each to their own opinion. :mrgreen:

But anyhow...

I don't really like bands such as Westlife, they annoy me a bit.
Or rap, RnB, Hip-hop, that sort of music. My sister plays it all of the time and it turns me insane! D:
Yagami said:
Any bands that are english, but sing in a american accent. Eg. Mc Fly.

Not specifically McFly but i hate when British muscisians sing in an American accent or talk with one in interviews, look at Lost Prophets and Funeral for a Friend and there from bloody Wales. Baring in mind I don't mind their music but not fond of there stuff of recent years.

I can't stand a lot of bands kids go crazy ( I say it like i'm old, i'm 21...debatably old) for as to me they're just riding the wave of what's in at the moment and it's all been done before. The current Kerrang generation with bands such as Cute is What We Aim For and Madina Lake...bollox.

I love Blink 182, especially when I was 15 but Tom Delongue's new band Angels and Airwaves are terrible, i walked off during their set at a festival upon hearing them for the first time to get a beer because i was insanely bored. Don't get me started how big headed this guys now is, he stated before the 1st album came out that lyrics were so powerful people would think God came down and wrote them himself. The album was not the second coming, getting average reveiws. I thought it was terribly bland.

Final rant. Bring Me the Horizon. I hate this band more than any in the entire world. They ride on the current hardcore wave and are from my home town. Their music is **** all poor scream vocals and stereotypical unoriginal metal riffs, blatantly ripped off from the superior As I Lay Dying and the singer is a prick. He's like a kerrang pin up now but when he was a teeneager he went to my friends school and picked on her because she was a rocker, then all of a sudden turned 'rocker' and started hanging out with her friends, complete hypocrite. Oh and i forgot the alleged fact that once he got a girl that wouldn't sleep with him on his tour bus, he pissed on her, yeah you read that right. Then one of his party of mates through a bottle of Jaegermeister at her and cut her head open. What a bunch of nice guys.