AnimeCentral; a new anime TV channel coming to the UK?

Ice Climber said:
Conan-san said:
HokageLuffy said:
Ice Climber said:
Lupus Inu said:
I'm suprised no one has posted complaining about dubs yet. Either way, I'm hoping this will become an success.

I think on TV like this it dubs are more likely to get a wider audience. Well the .Hack//Sign dub is pretty good. Still a guy could dream about FUNi One Piece.

Yeah, that would be great! I still think that chances are Jetix will get their hands on it :(.
Forget it, Turner would rather bloody Jetix's nose on the subject.

Plus it allows it to keep Turner's "anime's for fuckwads" persona in check.

Naruto, Bobobo, Viewtiful Joe, Shaman King, Sonic X.

Where have you been?

Don't forget OBAN : Star racers.
Chrono Demon said:
Ice Climber said:
Conan-san said:
HokageLuffy said:
Ice Climber said:
Lupus Inu said:
I'm suprised no one has posted complaining about dubs yet. Either way, I'm hoping this will become an success.

I think on TV like this it dubs are more likely to get a wider audience. Well the .Hack//Sign dub is pretty good. Still a guy could dream about FUNi One Piece.

Yeah, that would be great! I still think that chances are Jetix will get their hands on it :(.
Forget it, Turner would rather bloody Jetix's nose on the subject.

Plus it allows it to keep Turner's "anime's for fuckwads" persona in check.

Naruto, Bobobo, Viewtiful Joe, Shaman King, Sonic X.

Where have you been?

Don't forget OBAN : Star racers.

besides that, Jetix is owned by Disney not fox ^^
Sorry, let me clear that up.

I mean that Turner would rather sit on the license for One Piece and as such give Jetix a bloody nose on the subject.
Turner are the fuckwads in this given example.

Jetix, more often than not, are just a little bit off on their aiming, between bad timings and the whole Naruto debarticle (For which they are partly responsible and the other part being ofcom's well meaning but still stupid rules on the subject) if they'd fix it so that repeats of, say, Grosology, were exchanged for premieres of Viewtiful Joe and Bo^7 and they tell ofcom that they're failing their previously advertised "Not removing reality from shows" (Remember the ITC ad where it was the cop show and all the words were relay childish and such? That one) and hence get Naruto back up to the rightful Toonami Cut as is should be and we'd be set.
ah well tbh i've stopped watching Jetix alltogher now, see Sonic X and Oban over and Over and nothing else there apeals to me, i find myself watching stargate more now (hurry up animenetwork before i become a sci fi nerd ^^)
I really wish I had Sky ;_; Sadly, I don't think it will happen for me, but I really hope this channel is a massive success.

One thing I'm worried about is that this channel will just attract anime fans and people who already have an interest in anime. This won't be too good for the growth of anime in the UK, I think. If ITV or Channel4 were to air something like Neon Genesis Evangelion even at 12PM at night, then I think anime would grow exponentially.
CitizenGeek said:
I really wish I had Sky ;_; Sadly, I don't think it will happen for me, but I really hope this channel is a massive success.

One thing I'm worried about is that this channel will just attract anime fans and people who already have an interest in anime. This won't be too good for the growth of anime in the UK, I think. If ITV or Channel4 were to air something like Neon Genesis Evangelion even at 12PM at night, then I think anime would grow exponentially.
C4 I'll give you, but ITV is on death row with only coronation street saving it from the chopboard.
Conan-san said:
HokageLuffy said:
Ice Climber said:
Lupus Inu said:
I'm suprised no one has posted complaining about dubs yet. Either way, I'm hoping this will become an success.

I think on TV like this it dubs are more likely to get a wider audience. Well the .Hack//Sign dub is pretty good. Still a guy could dream about FUNi One Piece.

Yeah, that would be great! I still think that chances are Jetix will get their hands on it :(.
Forget it, Turner would rather bloody Jetix's nose on the subject.

Plus it allows it to keep Turner's "anime's for fuckwads" persona in check.

Would Funimation even allow AnimeCentral to air an uncut version of One Piece whilst America gets an edited version?

EDIT: And cartoon network don't hold the licence to Funi's One Piece, do they????
CitizenGeek said:
If ITV or Channel4 were to air something like Neon Genesis Evangelion even at 12PM at night, then I think anime would grow exponentially.

I think it would only count if Channel 4 did this, ITV just isn't popular with the target age range that anime.. targets.. I know I certainly don't ever watch it because nothing on the channel interests me, and I know that's true for most other people in my situation : o. On the other hand, there's more or less something on Channel 4 every night that interests me.
Channel 4 is definately the channel that anime needs to be shown on.
Of course, anime on any terrestrial channel is a good thing, just Channel 4 is best ^^.

HokageLuffy said:
Would Funimation even allow AnimeCentral to air an uncut version of One Piece whilst America gets an edited version?

EDIT: And cartoon network don't hold the licence to Funi's One Piece, do they????

I don't know the situation with Funi's One Piece.. I know it's just starting to be dubbed and sorted out for the DVD release though.
I think the likes of uncut One Piece on a channel like AnimeCentral is very far away right now. I don't see why anyone would want to show Funimation's version of One Piece anyway, as it starts at episode 144.
When the time comes when Viz let go of One Piece; if they ever do, then it'll be a possibility.
I've got to agree with you there, DaNiMe, ITV isn't such a great choice. I was just using that channel as an example, really. If Evangelion or Cowboy Bebop were to be shown on Channel 4, anime would be in a very exciting place indeed! C'mon, Channel 4, make it happen!

As an aside, Channel4 is the edgiest, coolest channel in the UK and they're most likely to air anime out of all the terrestrial stations! C4 ftw! ^_^
Ugh ITV, god no. I doubt they could even afford to buy any anime to be honest, the channel is in such a dire state, I don't think I've watched it at all in about 3 years. Channel 4 would technically be the best bet, what with their past of showing anime in the 90s and the fact that Film4 are always showing Ghibli movies, but I can't see it happening for a while to be honest, unless it completely explodes and Anime Central becomes the Number 1 channel on Sky, which is unlikely to say the least, but maybe someday, maybe someday...

But don't forget BBC2 in all of this, I have fond memories of watching Akira on BBC2 as a small boy (I watched stuff that wasn't suitable for me as a child thanks to my older brother) so they have a history with anime also, albeit somewhat brief.
CitizenGeek said:
I've got to agree with you there, DaNiMe, ITV isn't such a great choice. I was just using that channel as an example, really. If Evangelion or Cowboy Bebop were to be shown on Channel 4, anime would be in a very exciting place indeed! C'mon, Channel 4, make it happen!

As an aside, Channel4 is the edgiest, coolest channel in the UK and they're most likely to air anime out of all the terrestrial stations! C4 ftw! ^_^

To be honest, I think FLCL is the most terrestrial-TV-friendly anime that could be shown. It'd be perfect, would fit into a 30 minute slot with an advert break, and it's only 6 episodes long... Has stunning animation, lots of action, is totally mad, don't have to get really involved in it like thinking about it, to enjoy it... Perfect. Oh and all the references to popular culture... albeit Japanese popular culture, there's one reference to Western Culture xD
HokageLuffy said:
Conan-san said:
HokageLuffy said:
Ice Climber said:
Lupus Inu said:
I'm suprised no one has posted complaining about dubs yet. Either way, I'm hoping this will become an success.

I think on TV like this it dubs are more likely to get a wider audience. Well the .Hack//Sign dub is pretty good. Still a guy could dream about FUNi One Piece.

Yeah, that would be great! I still think that chances are Jetix will get their hands on it :(.
Forget it, Turner would rather bloody Jetix's nose on the subject.

Plus it allows it to keep Turner's "anime's for fuckwads" persona in check.

Would Funimation even allow AnimeCentral to air an uncut version of One Piece whilst America gets an edited version?

EDIT: And cartoon network don't hold the licence to Funi's One Piece, do they????

Only in America. If there were to be shown here it would be up for whoever buys it I think. Seeing as Revelation Films own FUNi broadcast rights for the uncut would be up to them (I think).
Ice Climber said:
HokageLuffy said:
Conan-san said:
HokageLuffy said:
Ice Climber said:
Lupus Inu said:
I'm suprised no one has posted complaining about dubs yet. Either way, I'm hoping this will become an success.

I think on TV like this it dubs are more likely to get a wider audience. Well the .Hack//Sign dub is pretty good. Still a guy could dream about FUNi One Piece.

Yeah, that would be great! I still think that chances are Jetix will get their hands on it :(.
Forget it, Turner would rather bloody Jetix's nose on the subject.

Plus it allows it to keep Turner's "anime's for fuckwads" persona in check.

Would Funimation even allow AnimeCentral to air an uncut version of One Piece whilst America gets an edited version?

EDIT: And cartoon network don't hold the licence to Funi's One Piece, do they????

Only in America. If there were to be shown here it would be up for whoever buys it I think. Seeing as Revelation Films own FUNi broadcast rights for the uncut would be up to them (I think).
Revelation own nothing FUNimation. They handle UK distribution on behalf of FUNimation and nothing else (so far as I am aware at least). Any negotiation for anime owned by FUNimation is either with FUNimation (if they own the TV rights for the anime; it is not a definite even if they have DVD rights) or with the Japanese holder of the rights.

There would be no reason for FUNimation to disallow an uncut version of an anime to be shown here even if it wasn't shown that way in the US.
DaNiMe said:
CitizenGeek said:
I've got to agree with you there, DaNiMe, ITV isn't such a great choice. I was just using that channel as an example, really. If Evangelion or Cowboy Bebop were to be shown on Channel 4, anime would be in a very exciting place indeed! C'mon, Channel 4, make it happen!

As an aside, Channel4 is the edgiest, coolest channel in the UK and they're most likely to air anime out of all the terrestrial stations! C4 ftw! ^_^

To be honest, I think FLCL is the most terrestrial-TV-friendly anime that could be shown. It'd be perfect, would fit into a 30 minute slot with an advert break, and it's only 6 episodes long... Has stunning animation, lots of action, is totally mad, don't have to get really involved in it like thinking about it, to enjoy it... Perfect. Oh and all the references to popular culture... albeit Japanese popular culture, there's one reference to Western Culture xD

I'd expect that to be picked up by Bravo, if the second run of Afro Samurai was successful. It's adult swim US highest ever rated anime.
DaNiMe said:
CitizenGeek said:
I've got to agree with you there, DaNiMe, ITV isn't such a great choice. I was just using that channel as an example, really. If Evangelion or Cowboy Bebop were to be shown on Channel 4, anime would be in a very exciting place indeed! C'mon, Channel 4, make it happen!

As an aside, Channel4 is the edgiest, coolest channel in the UK and they're most likely to air anime out of all the terrestrial stations! C4 ftw! ^_^

To be honest, I think FLCL is the most terrestrial-TV-friendly anime that could be shown. It'd be perfect, would fit into a 30 minute slot with an advert break, and it's only 6 episodes long... Has stunning animation, lots of action, is totally mad, don't have to get really involved in it like thinking about it, to enjoy it... Perfect. Oh and all the references to popular culture... albeit Japanese popular culture, there's one reference to Western Culture xD

I'm not so sure FLCL, awesome and all as it is, would be the best place to start for anime on TV. Like I said, the series is awesome beyond awesome, but it's just too crazy and too weird to be appreciated by people that don't know anything of anime. Though I read somwhere that it done exceptionally well (for an anime) when aired on Adult Swim in the US.
Channel 4 has a good history of showing Anime! Not sure if many will remember, but they did air a night block many years ago called Late License, which featured Cyber City, Tokyo Babylon, The Heroic Legend of Aryslan and a load of other Anime's.

Why they stopped, I have no idea!?
CitizenGeek said:
DaNiMe said:
CitizenGeek said:
I've got to agree with you there, DaNiMe, ITV isn't such a great choice. I was just using that channel as an example, really. If Evangelion or Cowboy Bebop were to be shown on Channel 4, anime would be in a very exciting place indeed! C'mon, Channel 4, make it happen!

As an aside, Channel4 is the edgiest, coolest channel in the UK and they're most likely to air anime out of all the terrestrial stations! C4 ftw! ^_^

To be honest, I think FLCL is the most terrestrial-TV-friendly anime that could be shown. It'd be perfect, would fit into a 30 minute slot with an advert break, and it's only 6 episodes long... Has stunning animation, lots of action, is totally mad, don't have to get really involved in it like thinking about it, to enjoy it... Perfect. Oh and all the references to popular culture... albeit Japanese popular culture, there's one reference to Western Culture xD

I'm not so sure FLCL, awesome and all as it is, would be the best place to start for anime on TV. Like I said, the series is awesome beyond awesome, but it's just too crazy and too weird to be appreciated by people that don't know anything of anime. Though I read somwhere that it done exceptionally well (for an anime) when aired on Adult Swim in the US.

Yeah, it was the highest ever rated anime and I believe one of there highest ever rated shows. Adult Swim US often say it's their favourite anime such as this bump -

I'm actually think Bravo referenced FLCL in one of their daily blogs, albiet they might be mocking it but there so good and they make me laugh.
Gawyn said:
Ice Climber said:
HokageLuffy said:
Conan-san said:
HokageLuffy said:
Ice Climber said:
Lupus Inu said:
I'm suprised no one has posted complaining about dubs yet. Either way, I'm hoping this will become an success.

I think on TV like this it dubs are more likely to get a wider audience. Well the .Hack//Sign dub is pretty good. Still a guy could dream about FUNi One Piece.

Yeah, that would be great! I still think that chances are Jetix will get their hands on it :(.
Forget it, Turner would rather bloody Jetix's nose on the subject.

Plus it allows it to keep Turner's "anime's for fuckwads" persona in check.

Would Funimation even allow AnimeCentral to air an uncut version of One Piece whilst America gets an edited version?

EDIT: And cartoon network don't hold the licence to Funi's One Piece, do they????

Only in America. If there were to be shown here it would be up for whoever buys it I think. Seeing as Revelation Films own FUNi broadcast rights for the uncut would be up to them (I think).
Revelation own nothing FUNimation. They handle UK distribution on behalf of FUNimation and nothing else (so far as I am aware at least). Any negotiation for anime owned by FUNimation is either with FUNimation (if they own the TV rights for the anime; it is not a definite even if they have DVD rights) or with the Japanese holder of the rights.

There would be no reason for FUNimation to disallow an uncut version of an anime to be shown here even if it wasn't shown that way in the US.

Revelation is FUNi's parent comapany.
Ice Climber said:
Revelation is FUNi's parent comapany.
Navarre is FUNimation's parent company. Revelation Films are an independant distributor operating in the UK who Navarre favours for its distribution in the UK (all of Navarre's distribution comes through Revelation, not just FUNimation titles). That is the sum of their relationship. As stated, Revelation own nothing FUNimation other than a contract to distribute their DVDs in the UK.
Gawyn said:
Ice Climber said:
Revelation is FUNi's parent comapany.
Navarre is FUNimation's parent company. Revelation Films are an independant distributor operating in the UK who Navarre favours for its distribution in the UK (all of Navarre's distribution comes through Revelation, not just FUNimation titles). That is the sum of their relationship. As stated, Revelation own nothing FUNimation other than a contract to distribute their DVDs in the UK.

I have been enlightened. That really is pretty interesting actually, I've heard of Navarre in passing in news and such.. in the stock exchange, never made the assumption that they're Funimation's parent company though, although it seems pretty obvious : o. I didn't know Revelation distributed all of Navarre's titles, I don't know why they just didn't start out distributing for Navarre.. would have saved a lot of bother with swapping to it from MVM.

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