Ice Climber said:Conan-san said:Forget it, Turner would rather bloody Jetix's nose on the subject.HokageLuffy said:Ice Climber said:Lupus Inu said:I'm suprised no one has posted complaining about dubs yet. Either way, I'm hoping this will become an success.
I think on TV like this it dubs are more likely to get a wider audience. Well the .Hack//Sign dub is pretty good. Still a guy could dream about FUNi One Piece.
Yeah, that would be great! I still think that chances are Jetix will get their hands on it.
Plus it allows it to keep Turner's "anime's for fuckwads" persona in check.
Naruto, Bobobo, Viewtiful Joe, Shaman King, Sonic X.
Where have you been?
Don't forget OBAN : Star racers.