AnimeCentral; a new anime TV channel coming to the UK?

Just a quick question... I have digital freeview (WinTV) on my computer. Is there any way I can pick up AnimeCentral?
I am looking at the website now they have got their own forum. Transformers starting on episode 201? A new episode every day. Overal a decent site.
Paul said:
Just a quick question... I have digital freeview (WinTV) on my computer. Is there any way I can pick up AnimeCentral?

Anime Central is free-to-air, apparently, so if you have freeview I'm guessing you won't be able to get it. Although, if you can get propeller then you most certainly can get Anime Central. :)
The Anime Central forum looks horrible (from a users point of view, asthetically it's decent) and I'm not sure it's going to be the nicest forum ever to visit (what with all the screaming kids so far)
Fudce said:
The Anime Central forum looks horrible (from a users point of view, asthetically it's decent) and I'm not sure it's going to be the nicest forum ever to visit (what with all the screaming kids so far)

At least we know that it's popular I guess. These people have to be coming from somewhere and not that I check the other UK anime forums, but they don't sound like they're from any other main UK forums.

I must say it's so well designed as a channel, and the website is really well designed as well. I really do think they're done the UK proud. :)

I'm going to check it to see what adverts are on it.
Just looking over the website now, it's a lot nicer than I expected, but it could be better too. In terms of accessibility, I've never been a fan of small text on a black background, it's just hard to read, but I can live with that (especially when I'm not so tired after football training!).

Generally I'm pleased that they are going to try and run a proper news section too, will be interesting to see whether or not they can keep it up to date. Overall, this is a good effort at creating a community around the brand, something that's fairly vital for a grass roots TV channel like this.
Fudce said:
The Anime Central forum looks horrible (from a users point of view, asthetically it's decent) and I'm not sure it's going to be the nicest forum ever to visit (what with all the screaming kids so far)

They run ASP?! Eww. Took me around an hour to persuade it to let me activate my account, it's just that bad (and I work as support staff for another forum software so I'm no idiot to these things).
haha. I've just joined the forum too. It's needing a general chat thread thingy in it methinks or else it's gonna be swamped with junk.

Other than that, it doesn't look half bad.
MrDoom said:
Fudce said:
The Anime Central forum looks horrible (from a users point of view, asthetically it's decent) and I'm not sure it's going to be the nicest forum ever to visit (what with all the screaming kids so far)

They run ASP?! Eww. Took me around an hour to persuade it to let me activate my account, it's just that bad (and I work as support staff for another forum software so I'm no idiot to these things).
No. They are running (ASPX), which is much better. I can't understand why you had such a problem since it took me all of 2 minutes to get it all set up.
Well, the process went a little like this:

1. Sign up
2. Wait for activation email
3. Get bored after 30mins and use password reset
4. Confirm email address when resetting password (Your account has been activated, please log in)
5. Try and login, "Sorry your account is not yet activated"
6. Try steps 3 and 4 again. Result step 5.
7. Original activation email finally arrives, use the link and code in that, result, step 5.
8. Use the activation code from the last password reset email with the link in the activation email.
9. Success!
Ice Climber said:
OK interesting. Again I wish I had Sky. Don't exactly have the funds for it.
GreenTango said:
Sweet, great news. moving house soon so will have to sign up for Sky instead of virgin media
Hi guys!

As mentioned elsewhere; just to confirm since it's launched - this is currently a free-to-air satellite channel (freesat). There are many other freesat channels such as Zone Horror, Sky News, Scuzz, BBC3, Film4 etc.

It is not a "Sky" channel. You do not need to subscribe to "Sky" in order to view this station. No card is required either. You just need the satellite dish and box. (If you have/pay for "Sky" then you will of course receive it.)

You can get a system from Freesat From Sky (£150 one-off cost), or you can buy a second-hand box from eBay for about £20 and a cheap dish from any TV installer. Or wait until BBC launch their own Freesat system next year.

Chances of this coming to Freeview is zero. And Virgin Media seemingly don't care about such specialist channels and quite slow on picking things up. Looks like it's Freesat/Sky or nothing.
The same problem happened to me. Followed all instructions but won't let me log in :x

Tried it twice now!! Gonna leave it a while to see if it just takes time for your account to register. Quite fustrating like... X[
Fudce said:
The Anime Central forum looks horrible (from a users point of view, asthetically it's decent) and I'm not sure it's going to be the nicest forum ever to visit (what with all the screaming kids so far)
Mmm. just looked at it me self. It does seem to be a pool of angst. the overall layout is similar to Anime Network's which I find a bit of a trick to manuver round.
Mohawk52 said:
Fudce said:
The Anime Central forum looks horrible (from a users point of view, asthetically it's decent) and I'm not sure it's going to be the nicest forum ever to visit (what with all the screaming kids so far)
Mmm. just looked at it me self. It does seem to be a pool of angst. the overall layout is similar to Anime Network's which I find a bit of a trick to manuver round.
It's going to end up like the Neo forums, which I did visit once upon a time, then was put off by all the fanboyism and fanaticism.
With this on every night an Anime Network on every weekend i'm having to resort to recording it an im barely having time to watch it. Who would have thought that the day would come when there would be so much anime on tv you have to struggle to keep up with it all. What strange wonderful days we live in :roll: