Updated the article with the new date. Knowing my luck, it will be moved up again xD.
I do currently have a pre-order of Kill la Kill volume 1 on Amazon because I loved the series when it aired and I'm too impatient to wait until the end of next year for a possible budget box set. However, when I've spoken about the release with friends who I know are fellow fans though, they have been less than optimistic about the pricing structure, often asking themselves how much they are willing to spend on Kill la Kill.
The way people I've spoken to see it, is that for Kill la Kill, they would be paying £130 for a 25 episode series (if Anime Limited's Volume 3 includes the OVA. Will that be the case Andrew?), which they see as £5.20 per episode, compared to say, MangaUK's Psycho-Pass release which they see as £2 per episode of a series with a similar length. To be fair, if Kill la Kill was a barebones release like Psycho-Pass, I would agree that £5.20 per episode was absolutely ridiculous, because I don't believe the price of a release like that should go higher than £2 per HD episode (and I'm still having to try and justify spending over £20 for MVM's PAL DVD releases of single cour series').
However, that comparison isn't taking into account the various differences between the UK home video releases of Kill la Kill and Psycho-Pass such as:
- The actual companies involved in their releases, both from a Japanese and North American point of view.
Some will be more willing to allow certain release models, while others will not. Case in point: MangaUK were allowed to release Psycho-Pass as a complete collection, while Anime Limited had to negotiate down from 5 volumes to 3, being unable to reach the 2 volumes they were allowed for France.
- The time differences between the Japanese, North American and English home video releases of the two series'.
The last Japanese home video release of Psycho-Pass was in July 2013, which was followed by a March 2014 U.S. release and a September 2014 UK release. In comparison, Kill la Kill's last Japanese home video release was in September 2014, while the first U.S. release was in July 2014, with the UK one set for November 2014.
That's a difference of 14 months for Psycho-Pass and 2 months for Kill la Kill (and if we focus only on the episodes on the discs, it's still only 6 months).
- The difference in release format. Psycho-Pass is in a barebones amaray containing 4 blu-ray discs, contained in a slip-cover. Kill la Kill volume 1 does only have two blu-ray discs, but has higher quality outer packaging, specially made inner packaging and a 188 page art booklet. Those specially made bonuses aren't cheap to make.
I was wondering something though Andrew, although as they're quite heavy questions, I'll understand if you're not at liberty to answer them:
When Aniplex of America released Puella Magi Madoka Magica in North America, they released the three individual volumes as the Limited Edition combo-pack, as well as both standard DVD and blu-rays. When they released Sword Art Online, they went with a similar model but dropped the standard blu-ray (although Manga UK was able to release the series on blu-ray here.
I was wondering whether the option of a similar model (Collector's Edition being released simultaneously with standard amaray releases) was considered but either wasn't seen as viable, or was considered but couldn't be negotiated with Aniplex of America (or would have negatively impacted your plans for the Collector's Edition, such as the number of volumes)?
And if Aniplex of America hypothetically gave permission for a standard, multi-volume amaray release, what would you estimate the price-tag of each volume to be? (Considering the Amazon prices of things like MangaUK's Sword Art Online, I can't see there being a massive price difference between the KLK CEs and a standard release to be honest).