Jon O Fun said:There is a lot of discussion on the Terror in Resonance Ultimate so thought I'd throw my opinions in![]()
The more the merrier!
Jon O Fun said:I completely respect everyone's opinions and can see where they're coming from. I think my opinions mostly align with Britguy's in that the fear is we've finally got a worthwhile anime company so we want a release to sell well, but this seems like a massive misstep in terms of releases for them. And possibly a potential "failure".
There's a standard DVD for £25ish and the Ultimate Blu/DVD for £90ish. So if you want the Blu have HAVE to buy the Ultimate. There'll be a standard Blu as is AL practice when the Ultimate sells out... 1,000 print run is the minimum I remember reading so that won't happen anytime soon. Especially if most people decide to wait for Amazon/Zavvi to reduce the price.
You've not read backwards here I am assuming, I already said we'll be doing a standard Blu-Ray as well but as it's in Q2 it hasn't listed yet - TiR Ultimate & DVD listed as I wanted to have the discussion now on pricing
Jon O Fun said:When they revealed visuals the other week I posted I expected a £80-90 price tag and asked why no Collector's edition? (Please forgive me if it was answered but I couldn't find the post) as I'm sure most of you will know the French @anime release has a Collector's Edition [spoilerbutton][/spoilerbutton] a plain rigid box with O card ala Patema or Royal Space Force. So why didn't we get this? It's the middle ground of Blu only and is nothing more than an English localised O card and discs, easily done. Even Andrew has said people loved TiR, people hated it, and people were meh so why are we only given the option of the Ultimate edition if we want the show on blu ray?![]()
Because it's a boring proposition and the wealth of information available in the Japanese release was so high and we were allowed to use it all so it would have been a criminal shame to just leave it by the wayside. The title is not popular enough to merit both an Ultimate and a Collector's Edition so a choice had to be made on it and a larger book won-out
Jon O Fun said:My fear is Anime Limited have dropped a lot of change on the license and need to recoup. I think most will agree the ultimate looks very nice and a lot of time & effort has gone into it but if there was a collector's edition available as well £60srp £40 selling price we'd buy that instead. I think AL know that as well so aren't giving that option because they need us to buy this one. Its a business tactic and happens everyday but it diminishes the Ultimate Edition if you're only doing it to recoup money and not because the fans wanted it.
Business has nothing to do with it on this one - we wanted to design a product that made the most of the assets we had and gave you guys something special. It's rare this kind of situation crops up for this kind of show and while we understand that prices it upwards of the usual for even a Collector's Edition of an 11 episode series it's a big ask, we figured it's a risk worth taking in this case.
Worth pointing out here again is if I wanted to force you all to buy the more expensive one I'd not release a £24.99 DVD version or on a near time delay I'd not release a £34.99 BD one. That said, what would be insane is to do a Collector's AND an Ultimate at the same time as it doubles the most expensive element of the product mix and just makes no sense whatsoever for this kind of series.
So in terms of making money back - it would have made no sense to just generate an Ultimate but creatively sometimes it's worth rolling the die on if people agree with what we want as a product
TL;DR - Absolutely not true on doing it to recoup money because we know it's a big ask and so it'll be a slower seller, but it was the right thing to do for this release in our opinion and we'll have an alternate option not far behind for those not interested
Jon O Fun said:I enjoyed the show but didn't think it was amazing, something I'd like to pick up at some point but definitely not for over £40. I'm not the kind to import US versions of shows that are available in the UK so shall wait for the 'standard' amaray release of Terror in Resonance![]()
I'm sure they'll get around to it after standard blu ray releases of Blood Lad, Kill la Kill, Space Dandy season 2, re:cyborg 009, Royal Space Force, and the Tiger & Bunny movies.
Then you'll be waiting significantly less time than the majority of the above as I say above
Hope this helps as I'm thinking I probably was not clear enough while on the move between timezones!