UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

Yep, mine too.

Maybe all the shipped copies are approaching the speed of light and are caught in a relativistic time dilation event.
That's a very polite way of saying Royal Mail are busy, stuck them in the corner of the depot and can't be a**ed delivering them.

I'd say all the dispatched copies are in this state seeing as no one has posted it on the What did you receive today thread.
I wonder if the Alltheanime store will offer sales on other venders releases, one piece dvds are on sale rn on hmv and amazon would seem like a good thing to offer to capitalise on the films release
I wonder if the Alltheanime store will offer sales on other venders releases, one piece dvds are on sale rn on hmv and amazon would seem like a good thing to offer to capitalise on the films release
You already asked a similar question just over a week ago to which I responded:
I think it could be a similar case to AOL where we'll get a code that can work with other distributors but a sale specifically for those distributors won't be as common. I can only think of two occasions where AOL did reductions on other distributors. The recent Crunchyroll sale and that Christmas sale a few years back where they had a Universal day.
Have I missed something or we still don't know what are the chances of Anime Ltd releasing season 2 of Euphonium? Is there any point in waiting for it? What do you think?
I picked up the Malaysian copy in despair, after waiting for ages for news of this. I actually bought it before Liz and the Blue Bird was released in the US (so a very long time ago in release terms). I would like a legit copy at some point but I'm not holding my breath.
I'm pretty sure one of their reps said it was unlikely
I remember them saying it was a difficult subject and hard to say. Then they released "Liz and the Blue Bird" and I started to believe that something moved in the subject, but probably not a chance. Maybe there will be a movie, but I don't know.

I think I will buy this version of Pony Canon. If I wait like this, it will no longer be available. If I wait like this, it'll end up like March Comes In Like A Lion season 2, that it's no longer available in the US. I'm a little disappointed, that the Anime Ltd cannot say about this subject something.
I remember them saying it was a difficult subject and hard to say. Then they released "Liz and the Blue Bird" and I started to believe that something moved in the subject, but probably not a chance. Maybe there will be a movie, but I don't know.
I think they said it was unlikely even after they licensed the movie tbf