Anime diseases

Resurrected into Misandry

Typically affects non-descript young males, suffering ignominious deaths only to arise again to become the eternal punch-bag to a short tsundere girl. Often these deaths occur at the hands of said girl.
Flagis Mortalis

A mysterious aliment, the root cause is unknown. However a person will declare "I'll be alright" or something along similar lines and then proceed down a series of self destructive actions until death. Often a person will have also had a sudden upturn in fortune. They have finally coupled up or have just discovered their partner is pregnant. Why such good fortune would lead to a breakdown of a persons faculties is one of medical science's most baffling issues of the modern era. It is always fatal and there is no known cure.
Just wondering does anyone here read or contribute to the website TV Tropes? :)
I've read some bits and pieces on it, yeah. I first discovered it when I was Googling something about an old 1970s racing anime called Machine Hayabusa. You see, I'd learned that the main villain's name in the series had gotten mistranslated as Ayab Mobil Dick! 😂

The site was also really valuable for learning more about some of the references in Space Dandy.

I've never contributed to it, though.
Name Vocalisation Syndrome
Believed to be a sub-type of Tourette Syndrome, this condition causes anime characters to say the name of their most significant other on an abnormally frequent basis, be that their loved one or mortal enemy. When agitated, the sufferer may shout the name repeatedly, which can cause an infinite feedback loop if both people involved in the exchange have this condition (see case file: Akira, 1988). In the most extreme cases, the sufferer's vocabulary may atrophy to the point where their enemy's name is the only word they are able to say.
Name Vocalisation Syndrome
Believed to be a sub-type of Tourette Syndrome, this condition causes anime characters to say the name of their most significant other on an abnormally frequent basis, be that their loved one or mortal enemy. When agitated, the sufferer may shout the name repeatedly, which can cause an infinite feedback loop if both people involved in the exchange have this condition (see case file: Akira, 1988). In the most extreme cases, the sufferer's vocabulary may atrophy to the point where their enemy's name is the only word they are able to say.
Does this mean Alan Partridge is also an anime? I'm learning so much itt.
Watercolour Paralysis
This condition strikes suddenly at dramatic moments, causing the afflicted anime character to cease all movement and turn into a watercolour painting. Risk factors for a bout of this condition include shouting at someone, calling out the name of a deceased loved one, or close proximity to crashing waves. Particularly common among characters in Osamu Dezaki anime.
Acute Ecchi Anime Fever (closely related to the above Anime Cold)
Typically acute-onset raging fever in young, busty female, usually inexplicably caused by getting wet in the rain, associated with complete loss of motor function, incoherent moaning and inability to perform even basic self-care tasks such as self-administration of antipyretics. Mandatory treatment includes young, inexperienced (probably boring) male main character stripping young female naked, mopping the sweat from her febrile body (works better if he removes and uses his own shirt), and inserting rectal paracetamol with his bare finger because god forbid there are any oral medications in the medicine cupboard. Bonus efficacy if the female is his stepsister/real sister/teacher/other deeply inappropriate person to be horrifyingly intimate with.

I feel like a specific anime that I am unfamiliar with is being called out 😂 :eek:
But even the butt paracetamol thing??? Like tbh the rest of the scenario is less troubling to me (well apart from the sister/stepsister/teacher bit).
I'm afraid so. Like so many of the weird tropes in Japanese erotica, it's less about catering to fetishes than it is about getting around the censors, especially on TV. That's how things like this start, at least; the demand for more of it comes later.
Anatomical Schizophrenic Chibicosis is that anime disease that physically affects the entire body, almost instantly turning characters into chibi forms of themselves. Thankfully it is usually short-lived, generally lasting only 3-10 seconds. There is no incubation period for this disease; symptoms can occur repeatedly and without warning, and are usually brought on by bouts of stress or strong emotions. There currently is no cure for this condition except to avoid becoming a character in any romantic comedy anime. Also known as Kiminotodoki Syndrome.
Hi Girls with Guns,

I'm in the process of adapting parts of this thread into a comedy article for the non-professional blog I write for (I got Dai's permission for this). I was hoping to use a lightly edited version of your contribution, with full credit to you, but only with your permission. I tried to send you a direct message but that didn't work, so I'm hoping this will instead! I can send you a google doc link to the draft, if you want to see what it will look like.

If you're not up for this, just let me know and I'll remove your part.
Lacrimosa oblivium
Lacrimosa oblivium is a surprisingly common condition where an individual, in all documented cases an anime character, develops a partial numbness towards their own emotions.

This inexplicable detachment is brought about by what would normally be recognised as the onset of profound sadness, and causes the sufferer to experience a sudden total unawareness of their own emotional state. Curiously, the individual's involuntary physical responses to their upset, such as crying, remain unaffected.

The sufferer is usually only alerted to their condition after it is pointed out to them by a concerned friend or relative, or otherwise by the sight of their own tears dripping onto a neighboring surface such as a sentimental hand-written letter or, in the most hysterical cases, their own meal at the dinner table. In either example, "Why am I crying?" is the most common verbal reaction.

In the most extreme case ever recorded, the so-called "Rei Ayanami" variation, the affected adolescent individual was apparently shedding tears for the first time in their life.
Lacrimosa oblivium
Lacrimosa oblivium is a surprisingly common condition where an individual, in all documented cases an anime character, develops a partial numbness towards their own emotions.

This inexplicable detachment is brought about by what would normally be recognised as the onset of profound sadness, and causes the sufferer to experience a sudden total unawareness of their own emotional state. Curiously, the individual's involuntary physical responses to their upset, such as crying, remain unaffected.
Haha, thanks for diagnosing me, Dr Neil! 👨‍⚕️😅
Hi Girls with Guns,

I'm in the process of adapting parts of this thread into a comedy article for the non-professional blog I write for (I got Dai's permission for this). I was hoping to use a lightly edited version of your contribution, with full credit to you, but only with your permission. I tried to send you a direct message but that didn't work, so I'm hoping this will instead! I can send you a google doc link to the draft, if you want to see what it will look like.

If you're not up for this, just let me know and I'll remove your part.

Sure, have at it - I don't mind at all.

Hmm, is my messaging not working for me on here? Last message I got in my Conversations was from early last year... 🤔

EDIT: Just went into my settings and found that everything was turned off for some reason, so I've re-enabled my messaging now. Thanks for bringing that to my attention!
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