Anime Adaptations Part 1: From East to West


Writer Class Servant
AUKN Staff
In Part 1 of this article mini-series, we discuss Japanese series that have been made into Western films so far and have a think about what anime would make for a good live action US adaptation...

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Dang no comments on the first part ^.^ I keep thinking though that a nasuverse adaption could work without technically adapting anything, a bunch of stuff in the nasuverse isn't based on the original games, my favourites are often with the core goal of the holy grail.

Hear me out on this totally non - biased idea, The West could create something new, with the same general rules as fate/stay night - seven masters, seven servants, human overseer. I don't really care for diversity or white washing or stuff like that, but western media has latched onto it, what better franchise to put your 2 bucks in than one that can cover figures from world history? There's a chance to make the servants notable figures from other cultures.

Now for the totally non - biased, non - flag waving bit - saber could be Henry the 8th, either with 7 lives for each of his marriages, or, if that's too close to Heracles, seven weapons named after his wives,

now, I'm not flag- waving remember, archer could be the last real king of Wales, saber'fied (saber is a class that fate has often changed gender on) she is pretty psychotic when she realises Henry is in the same grail war. Her abilities almost seem like they fit in the caster class, as the oldest of Welsh history is that of Celtic culture and druids. She refuses to tell her master what language she is often speaking (Her master is unfamiliar with welsh) as it would be too easy to discover her noble phantasm.

I would also think Hitler as a servant could add tension, but depicting him in fate could be tricky and end up as something offensive, as far as I've thought he could hide his identity because well, if you had the chance to tear Hitler apart...

I'm still thinking about another animation I guess, more conceptual phantasms could work better than weapon phantasms in live action though
Dang no comments on the first part ^.^ I keep thinking though that a nasuverse adaption could work without technically adapting anything, a bunch of stuff in the nasuverse isn't based on the original games, my favourites are often with the core goal of the holy grail.

Hear me out on this totally non - biased idea, The West could create something new, with the same general rules as fate/stay night - seven masters, seven servants, human overseer. I don't really care for diversity or white washing or stuff like that, but western media has latched onto it, what better franchise to put your 2 bucks in than one that can cover figures from world history? There's a chance to make the servants notable figures from other cultures.

Now for the totally non - biased, non - flag waving bit - saber could be Henry the 8th, either with 7 lives for each of his marriages, or, if that's too close to Heracles, seven weapons named after his wives,

now, I'm not flag- waving remember, archer could be the last real king of Wales, saber'fied (saber is a class that fate has often changed gender on) she is pretty psychotic when she realises Henry is in the same grail war. Her abilities almost seem like they fit in the caster class, as the oldest of Welsh history is that of Celtic culture and druids. She refuses to tell her master what language she is often speaking (Her master is unfamiliar with welsh) as it would be too easy to discover her noble phantasm.

I would also think Hitler as a servant could add tension, but depicting him in fate could be tricky and end up as something offensive, as far as I've thought he could hide his identity because well, if you had the chance to tear Hitler apart...

I'm still thinking about another animation I guess, more conceptual phantasms could work better than weapon phantasms in live action though

It's okay, the localisation team on Persona 2 figured out how to have Hitler in your franchise and not cause an outcry years ago. Just give him sunglasses!

It's okay, the localisation team on Persona 2 figured out how to have Hitler in your franchise and not cause an outcry years ago. Just give him sunglasses!

I'm just thinking now that looks like Hitler released a compilation of popular music called "Hitler's hits" most of them being ok and much loved stuff like journey, but then you notice one or two heavily anti - semetic hits mixed in.
"Oh Hitler, you rascal!"