Afro Samurai coming to Bravo in May

I swear I remember a guyver cartoon on Bravo because I thought the time "why is Bravo showing cartoons at night?". I was only young at the time and I remember going to video shop and seeing it was rated "15" which I thought at that time was wierd for a cartoon.
J_C_X said:
I swear I remember a guyver cartoon on Bravo because I thought the time "why is Bravo showing cartoons at night?". I was only young at the time and I remember going to video shop and seeing it was rated "15" which I thought at that time was wierd for a cartoon.

Bravo did used to show them, on saturday nights about 11pm after a show called "The Tour" or "Tour of Duty" about Vietnam soldiers.

I used to tape that and then the anime films on afterwards, so you aren't going nutes J_C_X there really was anime on Bravo.
McIcy said:
J_C_X said:
I swear I remember a guyver cartoon on Bravo because I thought the time "why is Bravo showing cartoons at night?". I was only young at the time and I remember going to video shop and seeing it was rated "15" which I thought at that time was wierd for a cartoon.

Bravo did used to show them, on saturday nights about 11pm after a show called "The Tour" or "Tour of Duty" about Vietnam soldiers.

I used to tape that and then the anime films on afterwards, so you aren't going nutes J_C_X there really was anime on Bravo.

I remember seeing the final episode of burn up w on bravo about a year ago so there has been anime shown on bravo
Not yet still a month to air but I would expect some advertisement soon. I think they might do it during the afternoon blocks starting up again.
Has anyone seen any adverts for Afro Samurai on Bravo I have'nt just wondering if anyone else has. There is only one week to go.
Bravo didn't end up advertising Afro Samurai, which they were supposed to do... and SHOULD advertise for the repeat in November (fingers crossed).

As for the comments above... it's all pretty exciting to read, and statistically in the UK, Anime doesn't even reach 5% of the public in DVD/Video sales, that's how low the Anime sector is in the UK... although yes, as you lot said... it is growing.

The truth is... the mainstream stuff gets criticized by the so-called fans to a point where there is no support for a project and the traditional Anime's that everyone seems to like... are plainly too weird and 'far out' for the "average person" to take in.

Afro Samurai is possibly (notice I did say possibly) one of the only Anime's to go mainstream which has had mixed opinions. $1,000,000 per episode has to count for something right?

Sure it's only 5 episodes... but its an adaptation from a Manga comic, which was short itself.... AND there will be a 2nd series to come. I'm not saying don't stay skeptical... hey, its your right to do so, but all I'm sayin as well is... don't completely shut it out either.

Afro UK
Afro Samurai said:
Bravo didn't end up advertising Afro Samurai, which they were supposed to do... and SHOULD advertise for the repeat in November (fingers crossed).

As for the comments above... it's all pretty exciting to read, and statistically in the UK, Anime doesn't even reach 5% of the public in DVD/Video sales, that's how low the Anime sector is in the UK... although yes, as you lot said... it is growing.

The truth is... the mainstream stuff gets criticized by the so-called fans to a point where there is no support for a project and the traditional Anime's that everyone seems to like... are plainly too weird and 'far out' for the "average person" to take in.

Afro Samurai is possibly (notice I did say possibly) one of the only Anime's to go mainstream which has had mixed opinions. $1,000,000 per episode has to count for something right?

Sure it's only 5 episodes... but its an adaptation from a Manga comic, which was short itself.... AND there will be a 2nd series to come. I'm not saying don't stay skeptical... hey, its your right to do so, but all I'm sayin as well is... don't completely shut it out either.

Afro UK

Yeah, totally agree with that. You can criticise Afro Samurai all you want, but the industry in the UK needs something like this. Anime in the UK can't always rely on anime infulenced Hollywood movies (Matrix, Kill Bill and Speedracer) to boost sales, as they don't come around often.

I actually think Bravo advertisements for Afro Samurai were a bit misleading almost looks like they were advertising a comedy.

It's a bit of a catch 22 when it comes to the TV area. The anime market maybe small in DVD sales, but it would be incredibly difficult to achieve any real growth in sales without TV time and decent exposure.
Conan-san said:
In short: Another company ***** up, big surprise.

A lot of companies are ******* up in reality. Anime distributors may have to lower prices to get thier stuff on tv and the tv comapanies have got to keep an open mind. To be serious here could you imagine 24, Lost or Family Guy DVD sales if they hadn't been on TV?

In short all anime needs TV time, if the market want's to achieve true growth.
Conan-san said:
In short: Another company ***** up, big surprise.

Does this sound like arrogance?

Conan-san said:
Ether Television time or making disks 10 a pop, ether works.

... Yes, yes it does! You say another company ***** up... but do they really? Do they REALLY see it as a **** up when they decide NOT to buy a tv show/anime because it's core audience counts for LESS than 5% of the nation?

You can't just make DVD's £10 a pop firstly as the company has to make some profit to continue making more stuff... I'm not sure if you've ever counted how many people are on the credits after an episode of an anime.... cause let me tell you something now jerry-bob... it's alot more than JUST the animators... and that only covers the production... there's a ton more people who work on that project AFTERWARD to promote the show... each person wants to earn their keep.

It's never as easy as TV Time and DVD Release... it takes extensive promoting, TV, Radio Reviews, Magazines, Newspapers, Advertising etc. You know about it because the company pays money for you to know about it.

If (BIG IF) you guys wanna see Anime increase in the UK... you gotta start buyin cause it's never gonna 'grow' as you always wish it will until the retailers and the TV companies start believing there's a worthwhile market in Anime to invest in... and at the moment, there isn't... cause everyone would much rather watch episodes online, which is fine... but it's what keeps Anime flourishing in other countries rather than the UK.
Oh yes, let me just crap out money right now! Cuz apprently £100 is just damn peachy for only half of a series.

Well, we've just happened to come across the great catch 22 of the suituation haven't we?

Company needs to make profit, inorder to make profit it needs to sell to as many people as possible, but that is impossible because of the high price tag for minimal content (3/4ths of the time, Naruto's a miricle that's marred by Manga's own stupidity) due to varying factors, the biggest of which is the fact that it has to submit to the will of censor monkies that just happen to like raping the wallets of any company who wants to release dual audio.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the reason why this hobby of ours will never gain mainstream.

And if not being blind is arrogant, then f' me one up the backside, I'm as arrogant as they come.
I don't see how its a "Catch 22", you just gave the working man's speech about the "companies" and "censor monkies" whilst in reality your DVD collection of Films or your Comic Book collection is vibrant and blossoming... Anime is what it is, if you want it to thrive... then support it, if not... then quit trying to **** and have your cake at the same time.
Right, I'll just not eat, eating isn't necessary, right?

Forget it, You consider a student budget and the import point of £21 to £60 R2 point for Nadesico and buy the £60 where you consider that you your only paying for the region code, then you are a fool, and much like those who would pay anything for Tsubassa Chronicle the anime instead of the manga (Consequently, £15 against £7 a volume...think about that), your money will soon be parted from you.
Afro Samurai said:
you actually make no sense seeing you have to pay customs for the imported product

You can quite easily buy anything under £18 without paying customs.

You sound like you're from some company by the way, not just by the name.. but everything you're saying : x
I also don't see the point in dragging this argument on and on, and starting with insults.. everyone has their opinion, no point in trying to tell people they should do this and that, for all you know Conan could have a massive collection of UK DVDs, but has got annoyed at the prices still being much higher than other countries.
May I ask you, if you buy shed loads of UK DVDs, and your situation... many of us are students who can quite rightly not afford to buy massive quantities of UK anime :/
I honestly don't think it's a problem with the fanbase here, it's the general public, and how companies handle advertising... There will always be fans who spend loads on anime one way or another...