ADV troubles again? bye bye PiQ

Ryo Chan

Saturday morning is an odd time for email and it's never good. Kevin Gifford over at PiQ just emailed me to let me know that:

"It's with great regret that I have to announce that PiQ magazine has closed its doors. The July issue on newsstands right now is going to be the final one; we have already vacated the office. As a freelancer, you will be paid for any outstanding work I requested and you submitted, including that for the unpublished August issue. Thank you very much for all the hard work you've done for us. Hopefully we'll be able to work together again in the future."

Any other confirmation as to the demise of PiQ magazine? If confirmed, what happens to ADV's promise of two issues of PiQ for every remaining issue of NewtypeUSA any given person had left in their subscription?

taken from animeondvd

*dun dun dun* another one bites the dust
I knew that NewtypeUSA got a replacement magazine, but I didn't know it was called PiQ...

I wouldn't be overly surprised if we saw them bring out another magazine in the not too distant future.
Doesn't surprise me it's gone under. From a anime and manga magazine (a rarity) with exclusive original anime a art, to a animé, manga, games, movies, tv and gadgets magazine. Everyone who went for it cause it was anime would have left for one of the others and it would have been difficult to gain an entirely new reader base when there are already so many similar magazines out there.
It's a shame really, reading through some of the posts made on the official site and I'm seeing some quality entertainment writing, oh well, this is how things roll.
hopeful_monster said:
Doesn't surprise me it's gone under. From a anime and manga magazine (a rarity) with exclusive original anime a art, to a animé, manga, games, movies, tv and gadgets magazine. Everyone who went for it cause it was anime would have left for one of the others and it would have been difficult to gain an entirely new reader base when there are already so many similar magazines out there.
Hits the nail on the head.

When it stopped being newtype, it sacrificed most of the stuff that made it different from the other magazines out there.
Amazing it died so fast given that the decision must have been made very early in its life for them to have all left the offices by volume 4 (?) coming out. I never read this or NTUSA (used to collect magazines but now seems pointless with the internet) but I know a lot of people who did :(

Someone go and hit ADV on the head with a plank until they bring back Newtype. It was such a fantastic magazine when I could get ahold of it - I always got good recommendations from it. Piq just diluted it with other stuff I didn't care about. Flicking through it, there was about... ten pages of anime? Not worth it.
Tasker said:

Hmm.. "...a combination of low advertising revenue, poor business management and a lack of proper marketing and promotion all hamstrung the magazine from the start. "

No no no no.........its fansubs......... O WAIT
Kireek said:
Tasker said:

Hmm.. "...a combination of low advertising revenue, poor business management and a lack of proper marketing and promotion all hamstrung the magazine from the start. "

No no no no.........its fansubs......... O WAIT

i was waiting for that :D
While I expected it to go under, I honestly did not expect it so fast. Perhaps it will ram home to ADV what Idiots they were dropping Newtype. I had a quick look at one issue of PiQ at the local comics shop (where I picked up the imported Newtype) one quick look made me think of Neo, and hence I did not want it. :evil:

I'm just hoping Newtype Japan resell the licence to a company who are willing to let it work. :roll:
Issue 1 had half anime half scifi stuff inside it i thought fair enough there trying to cater to more people the front cover had appleseed on the front which is relevent to anime.

Now issue 2 had practically no anime in it front cover was sam and max (video game) and it was mostly scifi..............every1 was like HELLO I SUBSCRIBED TO A ANIME MAGAZINE WTF IS THIS.

I mean the last issue has the upcoming disney cgi film wall-e on the front, wtf has that got to do with anime.