A permit to buy cigerettes?


Stand User
Call for annual £10 smoking licence

10 hours ago

Forcing smokers to apply for a £10 permit to buy cigarettes could help people to quit, a government health adviser said.

Professor Julian Le Grand, chairman of Health England, said more people might stop smoking if they had to "opt in" by applying for an annual permit and paying a £10 fee.

"Some 70% of smokers actually want to stop smoking. So if you just make it that little bit more difficult for them to actually re-start or even to start in the first place, yes I think it will make a big difference," he told BBC Radio 5 Live.

http://ukpress.google.com/article/ALeqM ... w9mWrz-c5Q

Soon china is going to have less restrictions than the UK.
Ha, sucks to be a smoker.

I'd rather people didn't smoke, it's annoying when almosy everyone walks back into a lecture and all you can smell is leftover smoke from when they were outside. But whatever.
Never really got the whole smoking thing, although I could not afford to start I am already addicted to Anime, Manga and Comics.

I used to sit and listen to a guy at work talk when he used to smoke, it was like he was the only one working out of him and his wife and they spent about £80 a week on fags which worked out to be over a quarter of his take home money each month. At the end of the day though no matter what the government says about getting people to stop smoking it does not mean it as there is no money in it for them like getting people to stop driving to save the planet.
Sy said:
Ha, sucks to be a smoker.

I'd rather people didn't smoke, it's annoying when almosy everyone walks back into a lecture and all you can smell is leftover smoke from when they were outside. But whatever.

you cannot be serious?? first off smokers were segregated to there own little areas in places, then forced outside now ur complaining about when they come back... ugh i feel like starting smoking again just to ******* annoy non-smokers!! :x
that's ok, if anyone smokes around me after i ask them not to, i usually pull the cig outta their mouths and chuck it

they wanna die so much, fine by me, just don't drag me with them
Hmmm, and an addiction is gonna magically disappear in a few days...? Wont people become more aggitated due to the sudden permit (if they cant afford it)?

I guess another way is to get the nicotine patches, so it might actually work in most cases.

I'm just edgy, cuz my uni class has at least 3 smokers in it, and one's pretty firey already.
skikes said:
you cannot be serious?? first off smokers were segregated to there own little areas in places, then forced outside now ur complaining about when they come back... ugh i feel like starting smoking again just to ******* annoy non-smokers!! :x
I'm sorry that I really don't like the smell of cigarette smoke. There must be something horribly wrong!

Giving extended breaks so people can have a good smoke is what I don't agree with. Wait until lunch hour or the end of the damn session to have a smoke at least.
Sy said:
Giving extended breaks so people can have a good smoke is what I don't agree with. Wait until lunch hour or the end of the damn session to have a smoke at least.

I always find it funny how as a business society we are expected to let smokers have the right to breaks to induldge in their additction, whilst an alchoholic or someone addicted to illegal drugs would most likely be sacked if they tried to induldge during work hours.
skikes said:
Sy said:
Ha, sucks to be a smoker.

I'd rather people didn't smoke, it's annoying when almosy everyone walks back into a lecture and all you can smell is leftover smoke from when they were outside. But whatever.

you cannot be serious?? first off smokers were segregated to there own little areas in places, then forced outside now ur complaining about when they come back... ugh i feel like starting smoking again just to ******* annoy non-smokers!! :x

They were put in 'segregated places' because not everyone wants to bloody die from fags unlike the smokers themselves. Smoke isn't a pleasant smell either, have you smelt clothes that have had smoke blown on them? It's effing disgusting.

An lastly, you 'feel like starting smoking again to annoy non-smokers', what the ****, are you ******* serious? I realise it must take a lot of hard work to quit and your would threaten to throw all that away just because someone commented on the fact that they'd rather people didn't smoke?

Sorry, but I have terribly strong views against smoking, and that's just ridiculous.

But anyway, on topic, maybe this will help more people to quit, or just make a **** load of people poor :\
If one or more people are smoking, and someone or a group of people join them, and start bitching about the smoke; those people are cocks.

If a person walks into a group of friends, proceeds to light one up-- he/she is a major douche for doing so, but that doesn't work vice-versa.

I don't have anything against smokers, as I myself indulge in it casually, but like already said, a permit would probably just piss frequent smokers off even more, what with the ostricisation from public domain etc.
Errm, you cannot be serious? The population of britain stopping on a account because of a stupid permit.

HAH, I say hah. Many people will go to a carboot to buy imported ciggarettes off people cheap and with no permit. If many people can run away selling pirate DVDs, then so can with ciggarettes.

That is a fact, I say.
Dracos said:
I always find it funny how as a business society we are expected to let smokers have the right to breaks to induldge in their additction, whilst an alchoholic or someone addicted to illegal drugs would most likely be sacked if they tried to induldge during work hours.
Not really. Someone drunk or high is a liability...which a smoker really isn't.

Someone smashed out of their mind is more likely to balls up the monthly figures than someone who's just had a cig, as well as behaving socially unacceptably.
Aaron said:
Dracos said:
I always find it funny how as a business society we are expected to let smokers have the right to breaks to induldge in their additction, whilst an alchoholic or someone addicted to illegal drugs would most likely be sacked if they tried to induldge during work hours.
Not really. Someone drunk or high is a liability...which a smoker really isn't.

Someone smashed out of their mind is more likely to balls up the monthly figures than someone who's just had a cig, as well as behaving socially unacceptably.

Ive gotta agree with you there.