A permit to buy cigerettes?

benny566 said:
thank **** i quit smoking two months ago.........
Yeah, I beat the 'enclosed public places' ban by a full six months by sticking to a new year's resolution for the first and only time! :p

Quite honestly, though, the idea of a smoking permit sounds ludicrous to me. Will one extra charge sway smokers one way or the other? I doubt it. Furthermore, smokers are already restricted to either the open air or the privacy of their own homes, which I think is taking the law far enough. Any more than that and we'll basically be taxing people just for being stupid!

The time and money that a smoking permit requires would be better spent on 1. helping smokers quit or 2. giving the money to the NHS in order to treat smoking-related illnesses. There are better ways to solve the problem than slapping a B.S. £10 fine on it.
Smokers clearly realise it slowly kills them, some sooner than others, but surely the government could start giving away free patches or something or have little machines located in various places where you can put say 50p in and get a patch or gum.

At college we have 5-10 minute breaks in the middle of 2hour lessons, and the amount of times people walk in late only to come back in with the stench of cigarette smoke is appalling.