"Boy Meets Girl, Girl bottles Boy up!"
Gerald Lee, a young man with the world on his shoulder and a chip to match, encounters Frah, an enthusiastic young woman of a genie and though misunderstandings and folly, is himself turned into a genie.
Now caught up in the workings of the genie world, Gerald needs to grant the wishes of his own set of masters to earn the right to be granted his third and final wish. But with that third wish comes a choice; does he stay a genie or does he return to the human world before the people who were left behind pay the price?
A Lad in His Lamp is hosted on Wattpad and Writeon and will, baring misadventre, update twice per week; idealy Tuesdays and Thursdays.
[Wattpad] [Writeon]
Cover art is designed by Bryan Golden - KagomesArrow77@Deviantart
Pay it through by reading his comic - Strawberry Seafoam