A Dark Day For United Kingdom Politics

Now that a few weeks have past since the elections, for the majority...life goes on. I'd say the average man on the street has pretty much forgotten it. As for the BNP, I think they'll always have fairly strong working & middle class support but let's be honest, I'm not so sure if anyone is ready or even want a radical change and I'm talking about the type that causes major violence or in the worst case scenario, war. There's always gonna be extreme views within little groups of friends or communities but hopefully that's as far as it goes. It's hard to understand why people have these views to start with. I just wish people would think for themselves and stop being brainwashed so much by the media. More than anything, the way to a better society is to start understand eachother, not alienating or trying to force other people out, just because for some reason, you make them the scapegoat for all your problems.

As for the army, well, I feel like Iraq & Afghanistan have basically become glorified playing fields for our soldiers. I agree that the army need to stay at home, train and defend if need be. I respect our soldiers but not so much so that I can put up with the argument that 'they're protecting our country and our freedom by fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan'. Jeez man, if they really are fighting for our country and it's freedom then sign me up today.