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God gave man free will, he enabled us to make our own choices, he does not have control over our actions. When the believers say God should be doing something to stop all the bad things that are happening in the world, well these are the results of human actions so they are actually saying God should take away the gift of free will. The dictator should have absolute control :p
^ But I get the feeling that's almost what these particular people want. To entirely wash their hands of any decision making or responsibility. They don't want to face up to the fact that life is the way it is because of them, not because of God or the Devil. And that's not only detrimental to their own lives, but to society at large.
Asdrubael said:
I'm not religious at all, I'm an atheist like Chaz here but I don't think religions are necessarily a bad thing. People who believe get a lot of positives from it. Things like hope, an afterlife, a being greater than yourself which should be seen more as a comforting father figure than a all powerful entity, something reliable and consistant. It allows people to relax a little responsibility in life and lose worries with the idea that everything will be ok in the end.
Aye, that's kind of what I was trying to say briefly at the end of my post. Like I said, the post I made about religious people sounded grimmer than it actually is for some. I just have a bitter vision about religions, but I'm okay with others with religion, because I know they can see positive aspects from it all (like the ones you mentioned).

As for Aion, he might of just had enough for the day or thought "I'll do this (read up/post) another time." If I made a thread and got all these lengthy posts, I know I would. :p
I think you can have big philosophies & still be happy, but you do need to push those philosophies to the back of your mind. For instance, I am generally very happy & have a positive outlook on life. I also think very deeply about lots of things, but when I do, I realise the futility of existence. If existence is merely a futile struggle on the path from creation to destruction, I figure may as well enjoy it, hence why I am left with a view on life where little else really matters so long as you are happy. The past is gone & the future is uncertain, so all you ever truly have is the present, so enjoy it.
OK, three days, not to make fun or anything but really now, he signs in EVERY day at least and well....

i still think Aion is well dead though or at least hospitalized
i expect him to come on like 'my absence was due to torching my house and subsequently being burnt in the process'
Carl. says:
We best gather a crew to head up to his house
Anon says:
lmao get there and it's like some fat crime scene
he just rates his death 'yeah it was only 6/10 worthy, got a bit messy with the ropes'
Carl. says:
He last signed onto MAL three days ago too
Anon says:
swear i honestly think he's done it, am not even lyin here
his last post was proper depressive, had pure build up and he posted in the music thread he was in a ****** mood
then he hasn't been on since, his last post was a question he came to at the end of his life to make us think

Just read his first sentence, change is impossible and as far as I know Aion was not happy with his life, think about it AUKN, this could be the biggest happening on this forum or it could be a desperate cry for attention, you decide.
It's going to be one of the two. Either he's gone and done something serious or he is just majorly screwing with us for shits and giggles or attention because he knew he'd be away for a few days. I'm hoping it's the latter.
That's a pretty creepy post, Lupus. Joking about the suicide of Aion and then trying to alter the tone of this thread by suggesting it's highly likely that he has done something (I seriously doubt it) is thoughtless of you.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Who is "Anon" in that conversation? Sounds like a bit of a prat.
A member of this forum, you'll have to guess.

It's not like you -really- care, CitizenGeek, so you're not in any position to criticize me for what I say.
Someone emailed me about this thread still being in inexistence. I've been checking my emails but hadn't been bothering looking at this place.

Not dead, not injured, not attention seeking. I was (and still am) depressed when I made the post - I just felt like rambling. If you had actually comprehended my message, you'd know I hadn't killed myself. (Hint: the fear part.)

I was planning on simply taking a break from AUKN and MAL. However, having read some of the posts in this thread, it's clear people don't want me posting again in the future, so there isn't much point in me posting anymore. I was growing tired with trying to converse with myself while others talked about non-anime/manga subjects or spammed, in any event.
Sy said:
Lupus said:
A member of this forum, you'll have to guess.
Kurogane doesn't spell like that. Also, small i's are used. Missing the g on Lying. I'm thinking its Tachi- or Otaku-san (also Will, but I don't think it was him). There's a load of other possibilities, but they are the ones who came to my mind.

Or... you know, Paul.

Seriously, though. It's good to see your just depressed Aion. You can get out of that with a bit of help.
Wow, I'm impressed at Jayme's powers of deduction :p

Lupus said:
It's not like you -really- care, CitizenGeek, so you're not in any position to criticize me for what I say.

I don't really understand this. Sure, I don't care one iota about Aion or his RL life, but I think bringing suicide and it's likelihood into a thread is a bad idea and it's pretty clear my problem with your post had nothing to do with the fact Aion was in question and everything to do with your altering the tone of this thread to one I disliked.
I didn't think you had done yourself any harm Aion, you seemed to bear anger rather than dispair, so did not match the profile of someone who might take their own life or harm themselves. I think you should stay though. Sure you may not be all hugs & cuddles with everyone here, but you are different, & I like different.
ayase said:
Aion said:
Change is an impossibility. A bad person is always bad, a smart person is always smart. A loser is always a loser. People are born how they are, their destines pre-determined by genes and the lives of their parents. Nothing can be done once the ball is rolling.
Bollocks. Nothing is pre-determined, nothing is unchangable. That's the easy excuse for people who don't have the balls to admit that their (and others') lives are what they and they alone have made them. The only purpose of life is the purpose you give it. And I'm of the opinion that we only get one go at it, so we should at least make it count for something.
This. :)
Aion said:
I was planning on simply taking a break from AUKN and MAL. However, having read some of the posts in this thread, it's clear people don't want me posting again in the future, so there isn't much point in me posting anymore. I was growing tired with trying to converse with myself while others talked about non-anime/manga subjects or spammed, in any event.

We still want you to post. You're part of the community. Just don't join in with non anime/manga subjects if you don't want to and ignore the spam.
You're only replying to my post CitizenGeek to:

1) Make some internet drama
2) Act like you care
3) Make me seem like a heartless ****

But let's be honest, no one on AUKN will really be all that concerned if Aion died. If I died I wouldn't really want anymore to care, it's just pointless really, and about joking about his death, so what? What's the point in being alive if you can't joke about things? Damn. It's like people ripping into Michael Jackson about being a pedophile then when he drops dead it's suddenly a taboo.

Also, if you read this, don't reply because if you do you'll just be dragging it out so you get the last word in.
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