Gallus Glee
Dandy Guy, in Space
505 Game Street is a Euro-publisher who have been showering us with schlocky PS2 budget titles and mid-full priced games which we otherwise wouldn't get, so I started a thread with some of their releases.
Their budget range are re-releases from the Japanese Simply 2000 budget range, which is here: (Japanese text). The original publisher of the Simply 2000 range (D3) is setting up a new company called Essential Games to release them here, so 505 will be concentrating on its full priced catalogue from here on.
Simply 2000 games are numbered by volume, so each title will have their volume listed so you can check out the screen shots on the above page.
Short summary of titles which folk have contributed here, mini-reviews further down.
505's Simply 2000 series games
Demolition Girl Vol. 50 - 'Attack of the 50 foot woman, in a bikini'. Five poor mini-games and a colour-changing bikini.
Fighting Angels Vol. 55 - extremely poor Rumble Roses wannabe with copy-and-pasted character models and moves lists.
Shogun's Blade
Splatter Master
Street Boys
Zombie Attack Vol. 65 - Basic and dull dungeon crawler with poor loading times.
Zombie Zone Vol. 61 - Dynasty Warriors with gore. 6 Stages of zombie-killing with a girl in a bikini and a cowboy hat. Fun!
Essential Games' Q1 2007 releases (all Simply 2000 series)
All Star Fighters Vol. 91
Dragon Sisters (The Senko) Vol. 87
Global Defence Force Vol. 81
Party Carnival Vol. 89
Zombie Hunters (Zombie Zone + 2 new charas) Vol. 80
Zombie Virus (Zombie Vs Ambulance) Vol. 95
505's non-Simply 2000 series budget games
Fantasy Fishing - Seemed decent enough, loading time every time you start casting = pants though.
505's Full Price Range
Bujingai: Swordmaster Shinobi-ish 3D runaround, run up buildings and battle demons head-to-head.
Graffitti Kingdom - Studio Ghibli imagery, draw yourself a new body.
Harvest Fishing - Legend of the River King hits the PS2, relaxing.
Harvest Moon: Special Edition - 'Special' meaning hideous, jerky and with extra loading times compared to the GC version - avoid.
Magna Carta - Slow-paced traditional RPG with a unique battle system. Patience required.
Michigan: Report From Hell Nice imagery doesn't hide the extremely limited gameplay - don't bother.
Steambot Chronicles - Romantic non-linear adventure, with mecha!
Their budget range are re-releases from the Japanese Simply 2000 budget range, which is here: (Japanese text). The original publisher of the Simply 2000 range (D3) is setting up a new company called Essential Games to release them here, so 505 will be concentrating on its full priced catalogue from here on.
Simply 2000 games are numbered by volume, so each title will have their volume listed so you can check out the screen shots on the above page.
Short summary of titles which folk have contributed here, mini-reviews further down.
505's Simply 2000 series games
Demolition Girl Vol. 50 - 'Attack of the 50 foot woman, in a bikini'. Five poor mini-games and a colour-changing bikini.
Fighting Angels Vol. 55 - extremely poor Rumble Roses wannabe with copy-and-pasted character models and moves lists.
Shogun's Blade
Splatter Master
Street Boys
Zombie Attack Vol. 65 - Basic and dull dungeon crawler with poor loading times.
Zombie Zone Vol. 61 - Dynasty Warriors with gore. 6 Stages of zombie-killing with a girl in a bikini and a cowboy hat. Fun!
Essential Games' Q1 2007 releases (all Simply 2000 series)
All Star Fighters Vol. 91
Dragon Sisters (The Senko) Vol. 87
Global Defence Force Vol. 81
Party Carnival Vol. 89
Zombie Hunters (Zombie Zone + 2 new charas) Vol. 80
Zombie Virus (Zombie Vs Ambulance) Vol. 95
505's non-Simply 2000 series budget games
Fantasy Fishing - Seemed decent enough, loading time every time you start casting = pants though.
505's Full Price Range
Bujingai: Swordmaster Shinobi-ish 3D runaround, run up buildings and battle demons head-to-head.
Graffitti Kingdom - Studio Ghibli imagery, draw yourself a new body.
Harvest Fishing - Legend of the River King hits the PS2, relaxing.
Harvest Moon: Special Edition - 'Special' meaning hideous, jerky and with extra loading times compared to the GC version - avoid.
Magna Carta - Slow-paced traditional RPG with a unique battle system. Patience required.
Michigan: Report From Hell Nice imagery doesn't hide the extremely limited gameplay - don't bother.
Steambot Chronicles - Romantic non-linear adventure, with mecha!