5 Cm Per Second DVD Out 16 Aug 2011 & RRP £17.99


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Five Centimetres Per Second Out 16 Aug 2011

Just a reminder that Manga UK DVD release of Makoto Shinka film: Five Centimetres Per Second will be out on 16 August 2011 and have an RRP of £17.99
I don't think so...

AoL have it at that date, but Play.com and HMV have it listed for 16.8.2011. While Manga's PR company haven't got it listed for August.

Might be worth tweeting Manga to check

EDIT: Also notable is that it hasn't been rated by the BBFC yet.
Rating it will be interesting. The most objectionable content the film features is a man smoking.

(I myself am one of the few lucky people to have obtained the R1 release whilst it was still in print.)
Zin5ki said:
(I myself am one of the few lucky people to have obtained the R1 release whilst it was still in print.)
I, too, obtained the R1 while it was still available (all of four months). That it remains out of print in the US, and is still awaiting a UK release, is one of the biggest mysteries the world has ever known.

was also listed on here as originaly coming out on 17/05/2010.
Also why would there by an RRP on a title coming out in over a year.
Unless they realy did shift the release date by a whole year and not chnge the 16 to a 15.
Either way this does not look good, it likely means licensing issues.
I've seen some WELL weird release dates for things on Amazon.

5th October 2054 was the crowning glory!
Shiroi Hane said:
Well, the date for the Karas blu-ray on Amazon has changed more than once as I recall.
I had it pre-ordered last year and, I can't quite remember if it was the day of supposed release or the day before, it suddenly shifted forward a year!