According to an unconfirmed report on Anime News Service, 4 brand new Neon Genesis Evangelion movies are currently being produced in Japan with the first movie currently set for release during the summer of 2007. These are completely new movies - not sequels to or remakes of the original story ("the time base of the story is the same as the original TV series", "The technique that purposely scatters difficult words and phrases will not be used any longer.").
Creator and director of the original Evangelion series Hideaki Anno could be involved as "General Supervisor" of this project, though all of this is expected to be confirmed in the forthcoming issue of Japan's anime magazine Newtype.
Creator and director of the original Evangelion series Hideaki Anno could be involved as "General Supervisor" of this project, though all of this is expected to be confirmed in the forthcoming issue of Japan's anime magazine Newtype.