Mad Scientist
Rosencrantz said:Aaron said:Sankarea is one of my favourites. I'll just wait a couple of weeks for the Kindle price to drop to the usual £4.06, then I'm on it.
How is reading Manga on kindle?
My collection takes up a little too much space so buying future stuff electronically sounds good
It's really good actually, and certainly saves on the pennies (and shelf space)
The Kindle app used to be a little slow, but I think they've plugged in some updates and it feels a lot slicker now - everything really springs from the page nice and cleanly, and it's great to be able to pick out all the detail.
But yeah, main reason is just that everything's usually at least a couple of quid cheaper on the kindle + I know Viz do a lot of first volumes in series for under £2 quid to hook you in.