1 word to describe your day

Victory! (After a good nag at my boss, I got better hours for work, instead of the remedial quick and expensive shifts before).
chibi-hebi-chan said:
pointy (needles hurt T_T)
I hate them too... I have to look away still, but before I was freaked by them in school. Now it's more of a "get it over and done with" thing.
chaos said:
BlackWolf said:
Tachi- said:
Monday.....to be honest need i saw anymore?

You just gave me a mental image of Garfield the cat :p
second that, and with your avatar, I've remember that boomtown rats song, I don't like mondays...

tiresome, again.... :(

:lol: well in first year at highschool there was a compo, i won a challenge "whoever could write the best song will have it published in a book and distributed in the 3 counties" mine was called "the monday blues" :lol:
Don't worry chaos, work does that to a person :p


im not sure how i feel, i guess the adreneline has kicked in and im running on borrowed time.

but i am hungry :p