1 word to describe your day

A few hours over due, but meh...

AWESOME! The day went exactly as planned, was nice 'n' sunny, met up with old friends and I asked the girl I've liked for a while out, recieving a good result ^^.
crap (was still awake talkin to kurogane at 1.40 this morning, got up to get ready for work at 7, and now in the office, found out my so called work colleauge, who i have yet to see actually work! has foned in to say "im ill, i won't be in"..call me horrible but i really want to say to her..."erm fat cow, get your hippo **** into work, you claimed ALL last week as sick, came in yesterday, did sod all to help when **** hit the preverbial fan, you were fine and even said you were back to normal now and now your off again?? here's your p46 and goodluck in the job centre" urgh i hate people like her with a passion.
Tachi- said:
crap (was still awake talkin to kurogane at 1.40 this morning, got up to get ready for work at 7, and now in the office, found out my so called work colleauge, who i have yet to see actually work! has foned in to say "im ill, i won't be in"..call me horrible but i really want to say to her..."erm fat cow, get your hippo **** into work, you claimed ALL last week as sick, came in yesterday, did sod all to help when **** hit the preverbial fan, you were fine and even said you were back to normal now and now your off again?? here's your p46 and goodluck in the job centre" urgh i hate people like her with a passion.

Hmm, sounds quite amusing reall.. I'd love to just watch you and your staff at work. It'd be a minature version of "The Office" xD.
Deidara said:
Tachi- said:
crap (was still awake talkin to kurogane at 1.40 this morning, got up to get ready for work at 7, and now in the office, found out my so called work colleauge, who i have yet to see actually work! has foned in to say "im ill, i won't be in"..call me horrible but i really want to say to her..."erm fat cow, get your hippo **** into work, you claimed ALL last week as sick, came in yesterday, did sod all to help when **** hit the preverbial fan, you were fine and even said you were back to normal now and now your off again?? here's your p46 and goodluck in the job centre" urgh i hate people like her with a passion.

Hmm, sounds quite amusing reall.. I'd love to just watch you and your staff at work. It'd be a minature version of "The Office" xD.

:lol: im thinking of putting a bin by the door saying "please place all weapons in bin" as everyone's walking around with daggers in their eyes around here.


anywho, clocking off time now.
The sequence of the posts were suggestive... =P

Tachi- said:
crap (was still awake talkin to kurogane at 1.40 this morning, got up to get ready for work at 7, and now in the office, found out my so called work colleauge, who i have yet to see actually work! has foned in to say "im ill, i won't be in"..call me horrible but i really want to say to her..."erm fat cow, get your hippo **** into work, you claimed ALL last week as sick, came in yesterday, did sod all to help when **** hit the preverbial fan, you were fine and even said you were back to normal now and now your off again?? here's your p46 and goodluck in the job centre" urgh i hate people like her with a passion.
BlackWolf said:

Karate is starting to become such a pain in the ass... I think the instructor has become accustomed to using me as a guinea-pig for demo's. While I'm not wearing prtotective pads. >_>

today is an omnipresent bore.
and it seems to be dragging every second out.

thankfully my staff are behaving today :)
(maybe thats why its more boring than usual, without their constant bothering my day seems longer)