1 word to describe your day

Angry ( woke up early this morning and got my, and everybody else in the family's breakfast ready, my sister wakes up late and does sweet F.A!! then goes upstairs and gets herself ready and has the cheek to complain "your taking forever, hurry up i've gotta go to school, your making me late" so i end up forgetting my wallet [which has the pre order reciept for the hadouken album out today! and my debit card to get food for lunch] then mum wonders why im pissed off?? its stupid, when i was in yr 8 i wasnt getting a lift to school!!!! grr)
(really) Happy!!!

-found my wallet atlast so lunch if off to HMV to get my pre ordered Hadouken! album (i just hope its not already sold out :( )

-found out that hmv has done another idiotic stunt. marked the Hadouken! album up for release 28th april and i found out its not actually out till next monday (which raised many questions with HMV staff......"why have you put up a incorrect sign?" "don't you think it'll be wise to take that down before i take a picture as evidence and sue for false advertising?"-

also i'm feelin happy because its a team meetin today and after work im goin round the missus and probably texting spyro to see whats up
Spyro201 said:
Tachi- said:
probably texting spyro to see whats up

Hey I dont have no text ;)

lol sorry, i went round gems and lost track of time and got home at 12.30 to find I'VE FORGOTTEN MY KEYS and everyones asleep in bed :(

so my 1 word has gotta be ~ troubled