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  1. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I'm a little slow on the uptake here, but I visited Aika Village in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Brilliant stuff, especially the girl's speech deterioration. Really hats off to the creator of this. Was creeped out in the exit house's 'secret room'. Quite how much time this took to do is...
  2. M

    General TV Discussion

    There were lots of nods in that 50th for Whovians. Still a crushing shame that Eccleston didn't show, though :(
  3. M

    The General Conversation Area

    Much chagrin can be found in such festive gatherings. A lowlight last year being a colleague and friend of mine thinking that placing used party poppers in his eyes was a resplendent example of jolly humour. At 32 years of age some would say that it was actually an example of another kind all...
  4. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    Shakugan no Shana Second: Up to episode 12, I think. A series that is nothing remarkable... but I'm thoroughly enjoying it, even with the tone change it has brought. That series is Tatsunoko on fine form.
  5. M

    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    Nineteen Eighty-Four. The one that was made during the actual time the book is set. Depressing. REALLY depressing. Having only just read the book this year I visualised the book in an airier-cleaner fashion (in a pristine, white wash walls, sterilised appearance kind of way). The film's...
  6. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    Shakugan no Shana Second: Episodes 1 - 3. I liked it, dunno why. It just felt like the right time to watch this, after having it for so long. Seeing cherry blossoms in the depths of winter was a pick me up. Maybe that was it.
  7. M

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    It's a big-arse box is what it is.
  8. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Steam sale saw a purchase of The Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures. It is indeed an impossible task to do this one. He plays all these terrible games, and now here we are having come full circle, with him in an 8-bit style one. How does somebody make a bad game that is good, not break the...
  9. M

    What did you BUY today?

    £70. The quality of the figure is most splendid. Now to find Rorona and Totori.
  10. M

    Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

    Fair points all round. I always find it a shame, though, when something with potential just drains away. In many ways I find that a bigger crime than something which is just plain bad all the way through. Squandered quality, if you will.
  11. M

    What manga are you reading now?

    Bamboo Blade: Volume 2 Most surprising of all was forgetting I actually had the volume before uncovering it. Most enjoyable, insofar that it has no convictions for trying to be the greatest manga ever. Nothing ever should aim so high, so with Bamboo Blade it just happens to be naturally...
  12. M

    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    The Shock Labyrinth (NON 3D version). By the end of this it is impossible to think that it was little more than a creepy children's story with extended death scenes to justify above a PG rating. That and just how obvious the 3D moments were. Interesting premise about how a long lost friend...
  13. M

    Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

    Chaos;HEad It's one thing to do an adaptation of a Visual Novel, but it's another to actually make sure that there's adequate time to make sure that care and attention is issued so that the thing doesn't become A FREAKING JUMBLED MESS! Let's start slowly, introduce the 'romance', good good...
  14. M

    Your anime viewing journal

    Last series I saw was Chaos;HEad. Nice bit of real estate on top of buildings. Truly woeful series. The two didn't go hand in hand properly.
  15. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    The Typing of the Dead: Overkill has proven how rusty my typing skills are. Interesting choice of words at times, too. Sega dropped a nice surprise. Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies is proving a mess, sadly. Case 2 had so many problems I almost gave up.
  16. M

    What did you BUY today?

    Haven't posted on the forum for a while A lite Comic Con haul included this... Meruru hime-sama looking rather happy.
  17. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Oh no, I got it alright. Was a massive fan of 999, but VLR had some truly horrific storytelling and plot flaws. Really couldn't believe this was from Kōtarō Uchikoshi. Gah! I just get mad thinking about it :lol:
  18. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I must be the only person in the world who thought Virtue's Last Reward was appalling beyond belief :lol:
  19. M

    Xbox One

    COD DOG is coming.
  20. M

    Xbox One

    Watched the event. Really couldn't believe how they were constantly banging on about TV all the time. The RAM thing was so vague... 8GB of... what? GDDR5? Did Sony beat them that they just shunned away from it?