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  1. M

    Your viewing journal

    Well I finished Shigurui today and I have to agree with this. Here was me thinking the whole point of the flashback was simply to inform us of how we got the fight set up at the start and then continue from there, but no it somehow finishes before we even get to the start and accomplishes...
  2. M

    Toy Story 3

    The newest trailer is great and it's even better when you spot who's in the frame at 0:48. Very much looking forward to this, the 3d re-releases of the first 2 in the cinema recently were great, though I was surprised to notice that the second one falls a bit more flat than I remember; too...
  3. M

    Legality of Downloading

    If I can jump in here I'd like to say that while illegal downloading is indeed...well, illegal and in turn theft, there is no way to enforce the illegality of the situation. There may be a few cases here and there of people actually being prosecuted for illegal downloading but it would only be a...
  4. M


    I've watched the first episode of Code Geass (I like to watch the first episodes of things to see if I like them and if I do and I can buy it it gets added to my ever growing wishlist, if I can't buy it I just watch it online) and I quite liked it so I will be buying it in the future. I...
  5. M

    Your viewing journal

    Watched episode 5 and 6 of Shigurui last night and it just kicked it up a notch. Until then there'd been just a few severed heads but now there's Seems like business is about to pick up in the second half of the series.
  6. M


    Thanks for the friendly welcome guys, hope to see you around the forums and I might check the chat out too. I do love Air so much, and I must say I actually fell in love with Misuzu, that scene with Yukito when she tries to show him the card trick and breaks down in tears because she's getting...
  7. M

    Your viewing journal

    Currently watching Shigurui: Death Frenzy, watched the first 4 episodes so far. It's quite slow and for something called Death Frenzy I was expecting, death frenzy-ing. Other than that misleading subtitle it's alright so far and the slow, non-linear narrative will hopefully build to a...
  8. M


    Unfortunately I'm not one of those people who "needs no introduction" so here's mine. I'm Nick, 21 and from Glasgow, I only got into anime really within the last 6 months or so, but it has been a joyous 6 months so far. I'm almost ashamed to say now that for years I had rejected anime out of...