Search results

  1. C

    hair dye

    My hair has been pink, purple and (my all time fave) turquoise. :D Now it's dark brown since 1 week again...gotta look normal for my au pair family lol
  2. C

    Favorite "Non Anime" cartoons

    Family Guy! *_* American Dad, South Park, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Teen Titans, The Simpsons, Spongebob Squarepants
  3. C Mainstream-O-Meter

    Hey there to all users! Ever wonder how very mainstream you are? No? Well is a link to find out anyway: clicky clicky :D Just post your result like so: 11.07 % mainstream
  4. C

    Songs you like and dislike at this moment in time.

    Can't get the song "Half a person" from The Smiths out of my head. I totally love it, but damn you! lol
  5. C

    anime character name game.

    Alexander Anderson (Hellsing)
  6. C

    Games you played as a kid

    Loved to play on the SNES! (Legend of Mana and such) Also had some kind of Star Wars game for the computer I was really addicted to....hrm....wonder where that went. Also some other games like Icebraker and stuff. And of course I played games like Super Mario, Pokemon and Zelda on the GBC. :D
  7. C


    :D good to know thank you everyone ^^ and lol to the German
  8. C

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Playing Metal Gear Solid 3 yet again.....god I loved that end. Ocelot is my hero. lol Gonna lend Kingdom Hearts 2 from a friend tomorrow, so I´ll be doing that the whole next week. ^^
  9. C

    The Simpsons Movie

    I am more of a Family Guy person, than a Simpsons one, but I loved the movie! And the Spider Pig song doesn´t seem to get out of my head anymore!!! I want a poster and a ringtone of it or something. lol
  10. C


    Hi! :D I actually live in Germany, but I´ll be an au pair in England in a few months, so I decided to look for a forum from the UK. ^^ I´m 19 and it all started years ago with Dragonball on Cartoon Network. I guess you could say that I am more of a manga reader, than an anime watcher...