Search results

  1. N

    Best Anime Soundtrack

    You lie!!
  2. N

    Best Anime Soundtrack

    I know that to be an Anime fan you must enjoy the storyline and art of the show of your choosing, but I also want to know what is the best anime soundtrack to you? I'm an instrumental lover with a bit of melody here and .hack//series is going to be my pick... Umm...what's yours...
  3. N

    So whats your desktop?

    I like to give gifts...and does she. :oops: Also Trashbat...your picture is adorable. :oops: :oops:
  4. N

    Umm...*blushes* Hello

    Thank you all for the kind welcomes. *blushes harder* I am sorry if I seemed a bit odd, but I didn't want to be in unwanted territory. heh McIcy sir, I enjoy fighting, romantic comedy, and somewhat...fantasy Anime, like Beserk for example. I am from a place called's kinda boring...
  5. N

    Umm...*blushes* Hello

    ....Hello...I'm Niva, which is short for not really from the UK, but have many friends in Belfast and find this site amazing. I...hope that it is ok that I am here to learn and share my anime knowledge and enjoyment of anime with you. I'm also...very shy when it comes to...