Umm...*blushes* Hello


Completely Average High School Student
....Hello...I'm Niva, which is short for not really from the UK, but have many friends in Belfast and find this site amazing.

I...hope that it is ok that I am here to learn and share my anime knowledge and enjoyment of anime with you.

I'm also...very shy when it comes to introducing myself, but thought this is the best way to ask if it is ok for me to be here, not being from the Uk. :oops: Sorry...if I over-stepped any boundaries.
Welcome to the site, it doesn't matter where you are from, everyone is welcome here, what kinda anime/manga are you into?

Where you from? there are members here from around the world so I'm sure you'll fit right in
Thank you all for the kind welcomes. *blushes harder* I am sorry if I seemed a bit odd, but I didn't want to be in unwanted territory. heh

McIcy sir, I enjoy fighting, romantic comedy, and somewhat...fantasy Anime, like Beserk for example. I am from a place called's kinda boring here...and the anime grabbing is far from abundant, but it's a nice place to snow-board.