Search results

  1. Vashdaman

    Ideas for anime that don't yet exist but should

    I'm sure we must have had one of these threads before, but I can't find it so thought I'd start a new one. What anime haven't been made yet that you really want to be made, or that you just think seem like they should exist even though they don't. I'll get the ball rolling with this, although...
  2. Vashdaman

    AI: How do you feel?

    Ok this is a thread about AI. know everyone seems to be talking about it, and for me it certainly can get pretty tiresome as I don't have all that much interest in this technology as it currently stands, I'm a bit of half hearted neo luddite if you will. However, it does seem clear that we are...
  3. Vashdaman

    Auteur anime directors

    Which anime directors would you describe as auteurs? That word of course gets thrown around a lot and I'd imagine it's often used unfairly when in reality most productions, if not all, are collaborative products and directors usually get most of the praise. So ok maybe let's just put that word...
  4. Vashdaman

    What even is anime?

    I've made a thread for us all to tie ourselves up in knots and get all metaphysical and Inception-esque (Indeed is Inception not partly anime?) over anime. Of course the simple answer is that anime is Japanese animation, but if we're honest that definition doesn't really capture what it means in...
  5. Vashdaman

    What is Monogatari to you??

    I thought I'd create a new thread to encourage people to write essays on the Monogatari series. Why do you love it, why do you hate it, what are its virtues? What are its failings? What does it mean to anime and what is its place in this medium or art form? Is it comparable to anything else? Let...
  6. Vashdaman

    Are you proud to be British (or wherever you're from)

    So, are you? I always used to shrug my shoulders when asked this, I always used to tell myself I shouldn't or just didn't, or rather I suppose I used to think it limiting to think along those lines, or rather I suppose I always thought my connection to the country I've lived all my life in was...
  7. Vashdaman

    what kind of anime do you like?

    What kind of escapism do you prefer from your anime? Do you like you like fantasy to suspend disbelief for, yokai, and faries? Idealistic, chivalrous romances big on feel good factor? Pokemon and the like. Or do you like a little more realism and modernism (not too sure what that word means)...
  8. Vashdaman


    I'm a believer in multiculturalism, I raised was in it, I think it makes a society richer, more vibrant, stimulating and tolerant. I've always believed the benefits far outweigh any potential negatives. It's a vision of how I've always thought the future of the world should be, multifarious...
  9. Vashdaman

    community or ptooey?

    What are your views on the notions of community and responsibility to society vs. individualism? I know most of us here enjoy at least a spot of individualistic consumption, this being an anime forum, but I'm sure some people here also feel a certain estrangement from larger society. So I'm...
  10. Vashdaman

    Is Fashion really fascism?

    For a long time I thought that in the best case scenario fashion was just another medium of self expression, and I still kind of think it is, or at least can be, but even when it is, maybe that's even more dangerous? More and more I'm realizing that as a medium that entirely hinges on the...
  11. Vashdaman

    LAST 24 HOURS OF Shenmue 3's KICKSTARTER If anyone has been on the fence up to now, it's do or die time!! Hope off that uncomfortable looking picket and become a part of gaming history, nay, general world history. Shenmue 3 is bigger than just gaming. This is about dreams. This is...
  12. Vashdaman

    The best thing since sliced bread...

    is a slice of life! I'm sure we all agree on that. Now the question I'm asking you is this: what is the greatest slice of life anime ever made?? I'm a relatively recent convert to genre so may have missed out on many classics, and I'd love to hear everyone's opinion! As for my choice, well I...
  13. Vashdaman

    Ichi ban SLAM DUNK!

    I seem to have read in few places now, that SLAM DUNK is Japan's all time favourite and most popular manga. This surely can't be correct, can it? Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Inoue fan, but how can it possibly be Japan's all time no.1 manga? I mean, first of all, it seems considerably less...
  14. Vashdaman

    It was chilly today/ so I ate some chili/ am I in Chile?

    .../or is Chili in me! Whoa! Hold on to your hat, but I've got more of that kind of word play up my sleeve/you better believe! So yeah, this is actually the poetry thread. A thread where anyone can write anything they want basically. As long as it's poetic that is!! Let me try and get the...
  15. Vashdaman


    I'd like to bring the slick new Team Yu website to everyone's attention again: The forum and site of the campaign to help Yu Suzuki realize his ambition to continue the seminal Shenmue saga. You can find all kinds of relevant information about the campaign there...
  16. Vashdaman

    General anime thoughts/discussion thread.

    Feel free to lock this badboy down if it is not deemed beneficial mods, but I thought there was a gap in forum for a general anime talk thread. What do I do when I have a random anime thought in my head I feel I must share; post it in the general news thread? Not unless I want to induce the ire...
  17. Vashdaman

    The Japanese media system

    Yo, basically a university I applied to has asked me to support my application with an essay on the 'Japanese media system'. Its not exactly my first choice uni, but I still want to give it a bash. I don't know much about the Japanese media system and am currently commencing research on it...
  18. Vashdaman

    Quote of the day!!

    I thought this would be a nice little thread (even though it will probably die a swift death). Of course, the quote doesn't actually have to be from today(for the more literally minded of you out there). I'll start with People buy things they don't need, with money they don't have, to...
  19. Vashdaman

    Is God a dork or is Dawk a God?

    Whoa, that was bad thread title, even for my standards. Anyway this thread will act as a continuation of the discussion me and Ayase were having in that other thread in the general anime section. Basically I don't think very much of the Scientist/ wannabe philosopher Richard Dawkin's and...
  20. Vashdaman

    Puella Magi Madoka Magica discussion (from The News Thread)

    Wow, you know the anime industry had a disastrous year when a show called Puella Magi Madoka Magica won all those awards. But.......there is so much genuinely good anime out there....even if you had thing for pink haired 7 year old moe children it would still be utterly incomprehensible to...