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  1. K

    What did you learn today?

    Something major, minor, relevant or irrelevant to anything! Hopefully, we'll all learn something new. I learned the phrase 'Wine, women and song', is the dry-land alternative to 'Rum, bum and baccy' (used by the Naval side of the armed forces, as I'm led to believe). Thanks to a lecherous...
  2. K

    Hot or Not

  3. K

    1000 things movies taught us

    196. Nicholson in the 'Bucket List': 1. Never waste an erection 2. Never pass up a bathroom 3. Never trust a fart Golden rules to live by, I'm sure! A trilogy of sorts, too.
  4. K

    What are you listening to Now thread.

    Meg's new album, and Caroline's Murmurs Mixes. Come at me.
  5. K

    Hot or Not

    Strong join date to post ratio. The possibility of me entering her love cave with my Ruskins' beard is impossible, so she scores a zero. Morishita Yuuri
  6. K

    Satoshi Kon has passed away

    The star that shines twice as brightly, will burn out twice as fast. Or in this case, many, many times faster.
  7. K

    This isn't goodbye....

    If I can make time, you sure as hell can. Get back in the saddle, lad.
  8. K

    Satoshi Kon has passed away

    Only just found this out now, after checking his wiki. I'm genuinely saddened, really, this ******* sucks man. Quite possibly the greatest anime director and innovator behind Miyazaki, has been taken away from us. God damnit. :x Why not that ******** who created Lucky Star? ****...
  9. K

    Abdomen or genitals?

    That is very anatomically incorrect for an abdomen. That's a cock mate. Whoever created it was having a huge laugh.
  10. K

    So, I started painting shock images. (NSFW)

    Next is the number one internet rectum stretcher: Goatse guy! The reference image was really stretched and crappy, so I didn't have high hopes for this one. Plus when you've stared at a mans gaping balloon knot for nearly an hour, it does do quite a...
  11. K

    So, I started painting shock images. (NSFW)

    For the uninformed (lol, okay): All paintings are 12" x 16", acrylic on board. Let's kick things off with the infamous Tubgirl. The image of a middle-aged Japanese chick pointing her arse in the air...
  12. K

    So whats your desktop?

    At the moment, a Hodgkin: inb4 resize the image
  13. K

    Iceland volcano causing a nightmare for uk aircraft

    When I first heard the news, I was choking with delight.
  14. K


    Laughable, unless there is something meaningful behind it. Anything past the cuffs or neck is an ultimate no-no, and can never be good.
  15. K

    Do you like beards?

    Fiddlesticks, young twink! Facial hair is symbol of manly, raging animosity. I've seen beards bring down towns, cities and cargo ships full of naked women and beer barrels. Do not underestimate the chaste potential that is a beard. Stroking a beard is like helming a Spanish galleon; a bastion...
  16. K

    A or B?

    EDIT: I had a breakdown.
  17. K

    The General Conversation Area

    Entry level whiskey, right there. Son, I am disappoint. Try some Nikuya black or Talisker. Keeping in like with the rest of my recent posts, I shall reveal no information whatsoever beyond wakanaiable drivel: PEPKERN
  18. K

    A or B?

    Lmao. I don't know the exact length of time between visits, though I could definitely shrink the gap every now and again. HOWYADOIN?
  19. K

    A or B?

    I'd take the former dude... or the new chick? B, anyway. Arse or vagina, either way you're going to be holding onto something. I'd much rather grab some supple, small bodied ex-wang than a muscular ginger man. Bonsoir!
  20. K

    Megadeth - Endgame

    Unforgivable sacrilege for even SUGGESTING that MegaDave will retire. Endgame continues to stomp colon around the world, whereas Metallica; although still kicking considerable ass-- seem to be sobbing over their memento mori rings and Napster affidavits. ENDGAME.