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  1. D

    Your viewing journal

    Good to see this get a positive reaction. I also enjoyed the film but it would appear not too many hardcore FMA fans give it particularly good reviews. I watched Canaan. Some real F'ed Up girls and guns in this show. Some nice action and a half tidy storyline make this pretty enjoyable, also...
  2. D

    Your viewing journal

    Maybe it is because I am also reading the manga that I may be confused but apart from the endless eight I felt like I had seen it before. The time traveling I am not sure on but the making of the film was in the first season. I watched Vampire Knight and while I enjoyed it I think the manga...
  3. D

    Your viewing journal

    Haruhi Season Two. I actually quite liked the endless eight episodes which is lucky as it is the only really new content in the whole season. I watched the english dub which is not too bad JYB and Freeman seem to work well off each other as the male leads, the girls on the other hand sound a bit...
  4. D

    The General Conversation Area

    My co-workers sent me home early today as I was keeping them awake with my coughing and sneezing. It is one of those annoying coughs with no other symptoms I don't feel ill at all the only bad thing is the two sleepless nights.
  5. D

    What did you RECEIVE today?

    Starchaser The Legend Of Orin. Cleopatra 2525 hurrah for campy low budget SciFi.
  6. D

    Your viewing journal

    Taisho Baseball Girls. I can't really say why I enjoyed this so much. The girls can be just as good as boys story is very familiar just set in a different time. While the overall story has been done before here it has been done very well and makes sense for the time it is set. Pacing is great...
  7. D

    New Anime Releases 06/12/2010: FMA Brotherhood & D.Gray

    Apart from getting things earlier one of the other reasons I buy R1 stuff is I hate the BBFC logo on the spines of UK DVDs. My shelves look so much better without all those red and yellow spots.
  8. D

    What did you RECEIVE today?

    I have been getting some post, but I am a bit worried my new bank card is tied up somewhere as my card runs out at the end of the month and I usually get a new one the beginning of the month it runs out if not the end of the month before. Most of the snow here is clearing due to the rain of the...
  9. D

    The coolest toy robot ever~! xD

    Some mum whose kid was killed crossing that road is now probably thinking it was not such a good idea to stick their favourite toy there as a memorial.
  10. D

    The number of new members in November

    It sounds like they may have the same thing as many of the podcasts and their sites with forums. People use them as a favourite source for information if it is relevant and well set out but don't hang around to actually get involved in the community around it. Someone could do with checking...
  11. D

    What did you RECEIVE today?

    Inkubus Sukkubus - Viva La Muerte
  12. D

    What's Your Motto?

    "Do unto others before they do unto you" "Be aware of whose toes you tread on today as they may be attached to the asses you will need to kiss tomorrow.
  13. D

    Shirayuri's Covers (Previously Godot's Covers)

    That sounds like a euphemism for something naughty. I have often wondered how cool or stupid something like Vash's or Alucard's red trenches would look in real life. Watching the opening for the part four Kurokami episodes has got me going as the tune seems to have some decent guitar bits.
  14. D

    Trailer Madness

    The Fafner one looks pretty good. The series was not bad it was one of the few series I have seen where they are not afraid to kill characters for dramatic effect and have them stay dead.
  15. D

    The number of new members in November

    I have spent some time over on AL and even though it is supposed to be an anime and manga forum only about 5-10% of the users ever seem to go into the anime and manga section, most seem to stay in their clan areas or general sections. Which means in reality we probably produce more posts talking...
  16. D

    Your viewing journal

    Uta-Kata. Bit of an odd show this a girl tested by mirror people ending with the question whether they want to destroy themselves or the rest of humanity. There are some interesting characters the parents who don't batter an eyelid when the "pen pal" turns up to stay and the friend with the...
  17. D

    Games Workshop thread - anyone play anything?

    I forgot about my Escher gang also the Goliaths and Orlocks from the box. In my opinion Necromunda was probably one of the best things GW brought out, the expansion did break it a bit though with running zombies aka scavvies. Unfortunately it probably did not do as well as GW hoped or more...
  18. D

    What are you listening to Now thread.

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&amp;color1=0x402061&amp;color2=0x9461ca"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed...
  19. D

    The number of new members in November

    There are a couple of UK based podcasts so I wonder if we could get one of them to name drop the site or Chaos could do an interview with one about running an anime and manga forum. We could also sponsor or put forward ideas for a panel at a convention.
  20. D

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Kurokami Part 4 Taisho Baseball Girls Haruhi Second Season I had to forgo those SS codes as Crimbo shopping has basically bankrupted me. I may though just use another BD voucher on the 15th as it is payday.