New Anime Releases 06/12/2010: FMA Brotherhood & D.Gray


Stand User
New Anime Releases For Monday:

(Blu-Ray) Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Part 2
(RRP: £34.99)


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Part 2
(RRP: £24.99)


D.Gray Man: Collection
(RRP: £59.99)

Why do Manga have to ruing the FMA cover with that triangle at the top right. I could understand if it was a sticker, but this looks like part of the cover =[
Whenever I buy anime, its usually for the packaging. I see it more than I watch it. The triangle does do its job, I think - I took the time to read it and it sounds, imo, like a good value for money with it there.
If you're bothered by the red triangle (and I am) buy it soon after release to make sure you get a slipcased copy. No red triangle on the slipcase.

Unless of course, Manga prove inconsistent with packaging design again. In which case there might be a red triangle on the slipcase.
If red triangles bother you inferior, R2 buying folk so much, you should have did what all the cool kids did months ago: ordered the lovely R1 thinpack sets. ... le&cur=513


...It's too bad PlayUSA are now dead and the remaining three sets will cost more to buy. Fcukers.

Also: if masturbation starts to lose its luster in my eyes, I MIGHT buy the D. Gray set, once it drops to £20. I have business with a shounen clown.
The little annoying things abouth the physical aspects of releases in the US and UK are definitely part of the reason why I import so much these days - and that red triangle is another good example of just a really annoying, needless thing to do.
The covers don't bother me, the spine however does as it's what you can see on your shelf throughout the day. So the FMA:B dvds are fine in my eyes. Now the Escaflowne Anime Legends set on the other hand is annoying as the logo in the opposite way round to everything then else. THAT is... well, it's mildly annoying. It doesn't keep me awake at night, anyway...
ColdCobra said:
Now the Escaflowne Anime Legends set on the other hand is annoying as the logo in the opposite way round to everything then else. THAT is... well, it's mildly annoying. It doesn't keep me awake at night, anyway...
I noticed that. It's the French way, though other Beez titles have it the UK way. Perhaps they based it on a French cover and forgot to change that bit. I've got several other non-anime releases from companies with a French parent company with "backwards" spines too.
Apart from getting things earlier one of the other reasons I buy R1 stuff is I hate the BBFC logo on the spines of UK DVDs. My shelves look so much better without all those red and yellow spots.
FMA BD arrived today. Pre-ordered months ago, no slipcase. Anyone else get a slipcased copy, or did Manga screw up?

Needless to say it's going straight back. I'm heeding Aion's advice and ordering the US versions, which I now wish I'd done from the beginning. Anyone want to buy my UK Vol. 1?

JohnC said:
ColdCobra said:
Now the Escaflowne Anime Legends set on the other hand is annoying as the logo in the opposite way round to everything then else. THAT is... well, it's mildly annoying. It doesn't keep me awake at night, anyway...
I noticed that. It's the French way, though other Beez titles have it the UK way. Perhaps they based it on a French cover and forgot to change that bit. I've got several other non-anime releases from companies with a French parent company with "backwards" spines too.
I hate upside-down spines with an absolute vengeance. Why do they do it? How many languages read bottom to top? Certainly not French.

/design rage
Red triangles on DVD cases is serious business.

Really, you should avoid Manga's releases if you get irritated easily by little things. I've always hated their gaudy Manga logo, and alongside the useless/ugly BBFC age ratings that alone is enough to make me go R1, if possible on the cheap. But there are also numerous other annoyances of note, such as Manga's complete inability to align spines correctly (DtB & Claymore) and their love of releasing super cheap, nice looking box sets straight after charging more for 'singles'.

FYI, I have no ******* clue if the Blu-ray releases of Funi also get the outer box + 2x thin cases treatment. I own the DVDs, and - like all of Funi's non-space consuming releases - they look lovely.

No idea why you're buying Brotherhood, anyway. Are you going to masturbate over the sealed sets or something?
I've already watched the first set, I think I commented on it at the time. I watch plenty again now, I just don't say much about it (just to wind you up). Funi's US BD releases are mostly two cases in a box; not all, but I know the FMA ones are.

It's not even about the triangles. It's about consistency in packaging design. Which is something all the UK distros (bar Beez) suck hard at.
Would it really be impossible to contact the graphics team at Manga? If they even have one, that is; consistency-wise it seems like its a freelance gig.
The Funi FMA:B BD releases are 2 discs in a single thin case with a slipcase, plus 4 art cards inside the case too. I got the first two as they were released.
JohnC said:
The Funi FMA:B BD releases are 2 discs in a single thin case with a slipcase, plus 4 art cards inside the case too. I got the first two as they were released.

didn't know about the art cards, will be getting my copy this week.

I'd admit the triangle can put people off, however to be perfectly honest I'm not bothered at all with it.
JohnC said:
The Funi FMA:B BD releases are 2 discs in a single thin case with a slipcase, plus 4 art cards inside the case too. I got the first two as they were released.
I could have sworn that I'd seen pictures of an FMA BD set which was two cases in a sideways loading thin box (like many other Funi BD releases). Did no-one get a really nice release then (besides Japan, obviously)? If you're right, the product I want doesn't exist. I'm somewhat disappointed now.
ayase said:
I could have sworn that I'd seen pictures of an FMA BD set which was two cases in a sideways loading thin box (like many other Funi BD releases). Did no-one get a really nice release then (besides Japan, obviously)? If you're right, the product I want doesn't exist. I'm somewhat disappointed now.
Any other Funi 2 disc BD sets I have are the same, not that I've got a huge amount. A single case, often (but not always) in a slipcase. 3 disc sets have 2 cases in a slipcase.