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  1. J

    What you guys doing right now.

    Watching House M.D and typing this stuff up.
  2. J

    Age and Sex

    16/M There are many people here who I thought was the opposite gender, including Hyaku. :lol:
  3. J

    Most irritating commercial.

    Why are so many people angry about BARRY SCOTT? He's a legend, I tell you. :lol: Anyway, this should amuse some of you grumpy old men: ===== I can't remember what it was for, but there is an advert where there's a little Asian boy on the can...
  4. J

    Irrational Fears you had when young

    I **** bricks whenever I hear the buzzing of a wasp. The biggest two irrational fears I can think of when I was young was the opening music of 'Push-Over', some really old game, and the floating brain things from Duke Nukem 3D. Oh my God, they were terrifying.
  5. J

    what did you do today ?

    Same here, although replace doughnut with fried eggs and beans. I also just had a couple paracetamol [sic], to get rid of this royal headache. I drank too much last night. x__x
  6. J

    what did you do today ?

    Woke up, made breakfast then came on here.
  7. J

    My [Mostly South Park fan-art] DeviantArt Page

    Bump. :D Brothers of the Snowflake Kind of a parody of the wallpaper I already have, the Naruto 'Brothers of the Leaf' one.
  8. J

    what did you do today ?

    Got up, completed a few pages of my South Park doujinshi, then started a random drawing before losing interest and coming on here. :B
  9. J

    What you guys doing right now.

    Listening to the opening theme to 'Damekko Doubutsu'. Damn, it's so catchy.
  10. J

    Learning Japanese

    I keep on meaning to buy a few 'How to' books, yet keep forgetting at the last minute. :B Anyways, I know bits, but only from what I've learnt from watching subbed Anime. :|
  11. J

    Men's bags - hilarious... or disturbing?

    ^ Yeah, to produce sperm. That's technically the reason we have balls. I wouldn't wear one, they look pretty ugly. :P Besides, I have a perfectly good backpack and leather portfolio to carry stuff in.
  12. J

    Carjacker beats up WW2 veteran

    Jesus Christ, that... that's just terrible. o__o
  13. J

    Atheist Vs Christians

    He claims he found the grave of Jesus, or something like that. Of course, all he has, when it comes to facts, is that the grave or whatever is inscribed with a name similar to 'Jesus', next to another grave with 'Mary Magdalene'. Of course, I could be totally wrong, this is all from memories...
  14. J

    What you guys doing right now.

    I have good hands. And you just woke up? Do you by any chance live on a sleeping system that is better suited for Hawaii? :lol: Saying that, I'm practically nocturnal, myself, so... :P
  15. J

    What you guys doing right now.

    Watching Naruto [God damn, they sure know how to drag something out, huh?], fiddling with my watch, writing this post and drinking some water.
  16. J

    has any one

    Do you seriously think I can remember something like that? I can't even remember who I was with at the time. :lol: I noticed that I do this a lot, too. Unfortunately, very few others are willing to talk about anything other than... well... ****, so I'm left either talking to old people, or...
  17. J

    Things/People that you find annnoying.

    I understand that, but still, I just really find the fact that it, along with rubbish like The Sun and The Mirror, makes quite a lot of money, and it reaches so many people totally... I can't even think of the word. It's fairly negative, though. Still, I guess I'm just fighting a pointless...
  18. J

    Things/People that you find annnoying.

    Really? I can't think of many other game shows that requires no talent to be a winner, unless of course if you're talking about reality TV shows like Big Brother. Speaking of Big Brother, I seen a recent Daily Star [Todays? I donno] that had splashed all over it's front page: B BRO BIG...
  19. J

    has any one

    I'm unsure what to say. Thanks? I guess it beats the 'tasteless' remarks I've sadly gotten used to. :P And I wouldn't say I slept on it, I just used it as something to rest my head on as I was bringing up most of my digestive system. :lol:
  20. J

    has any one

    No, I think the smell of vodka, weed and other weird smells would have scared them all away. But, of course, they could be loungin' in the old ear drum... :B