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  1. T

    How many anime DVDs do you own at home?

    Thanks for the comments guys glad you like my collection. As for my Tenchi DVDs Nyu the 1st ovas an movies are the R2 MVM releases. The 2nd lots of ovas an Tenchi universe box set are the R1 releases due to me thinking there was little chance of them actually coming out here. But seems I was...
  2. T

    How many anime DVDs do you own at home?

    Finally found my camera in one of my packed boxes so heres some bad pics (sorry for last). This is most of my collection as some of its packed up at the mo an I cant really be bothered to unpack it.
  3. T

    How many anime DVDs do you own at home?

    I would love to show you pictures of my collection but alas I cant find my digital camera at the moment. Once I do will be sure to post some pics if anyone else is intrested.
  4. T

    How many anime DVDs do you own at home?

    No I dont steal banks (there to heavy an big) I just work for the money or yes so hard for the money. An hey I have been collecting this lot for some years now its not taken over night I can tell you. Although I look forward to reaching the 300 mark that will be nice :D
  5. T

    How many anime DVDs do you own at home?

    Hmm just counted an I have about 293 anime dvds. Yeah im shocked I knew I had alot but still :shock: An yet im only going to get more. Im running out of space time for another book shelf me thinks :)
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    The interminable wait for the next volume.

    Yeah I hate waiting for the next volume of a dvd in a series. So what I have tended to do recently is either just wait until they are all out. Or wait up until the second from last vol to start buying a series. That way I can normally start watching a series none stop till the last vols out...
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    Amazing Facts

    That cant be right Playboy wasn't even around in WWII it was founded in 1953. Does this mean that there was some other girly mag called playboy around before hugh's? :shock: Or that your amazing fact is just a lie!
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    Ghosts, poltergeists, paranormal

    I cant really say I believe in such things. Im one of these people who has to see something to believe it. If I find myself seeing some see through people at night I might become a believer so until then? Although I do like to watch tv programs an the such about it, always find them intresting...
  9. T

    Gits: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society OVA

    Just came across this on Play seems to be coming out in July 02.07.07 Great news I cant wait to see this :D ... type=genre Edit: Just noticed that HMV has it listed for the 27.8.07 So wonder whos right?
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    World Of warcraft

    I played this game for about 10 months or so when it first came out. Only really stopped because once you reach lvl 60 its kinda got boring. It was just raids for armour sets an such which is kinda dull. Although I am tempted to start again with the burning crusade out.
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    MVM in May & June; Basilisk and more box sets on the way

    Well def getting Love Hina box set. An I might get the Trigun box set to replace my R1 set. So yeah thanks MVM for more box sets its starting to become a part of everyday life now :)
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    Shin Megami Tensei

    Well I got my special edition of DD2 today. Have to say I am very happy with it. Let the long hours of game play commence :shock:
  13. T

    AmeCon registrations open and going fast; Alcon dates change

    Well im all signed up for it which is good. Its certainly filling up alot faster than it was last year thats for certain. So at this rate it will be full in the next week 2 at the most.
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    New Paprika and Appleseed 2 trailers online

    These films both look great I cant wait to get my hands on them. Its just a shame that Paprika has been delayed but then we were all expecting that.
  15. T

    New UK anime DVD release dates reaching into the summer

    Err can I just go on the record as saying that I LOVE Revelation! Boy are they treating us to alot of great things this year not only are they bringing out some great shows they bring plenty of box sets an starter sets aswell :D So yeah cant wait to get my hands on some of these releases :P
  16. T

    Amecon 2007 announced!

    Just a heads up the website has started with registrations so if you want to go best sign up now :wink:
  17. T

    Your manga and anime collection

    Well heres my list not a whole lot but I intend to get some more soon :) Manga .Hack// Legend of the Twilight All 3 Volumes .Hack// A.I Buster 1 & 2 .Hack// Another Birth Vol 1-2 Neon Genesis Evangelion 1-9 Hellsing Vol 1-7 Boogiepop and Others Novel Boogiepop Returns Vol 1...
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    Things are on the up!

    Im very happy myself with the way things are going. Its just great to have anime cheaper aswell as having more an more boxsets. I never would have thought it possible a couple years ago so just goes to show everythings on the up. Its also good to see that the release of new shows are getting...
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    Well it was intresting to say the least but im kinda undecided on the show, maybe it will improve in future eps. Although I do have to say that some of the people featured in it scared me a little with just how into anime they are :lol:
  20. T

    Upcomming Boxsets...

    Shhh dont tell them that :wink: