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  1. T

    UK Anime Blu-ray & DVD Bargains

    Just noticed Play have put some ADV titles in there sale only a couple mind but they also seem to have put the Battle Vixens boxset on there to for 7.99! Now thats cheap ... type=genre
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    So virgin announce their design for their space traveller

    Intresting design kind of reminds me of a paper plane. It has that look about it. Will be intresting to see how all this folds out. Who knows at this rate maybe Virgin will get to Mars before NASA now that would be funny :lol:
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    Heath Ledger is D-E-A-D

    Hmm you seem to have read into my statement to much I think as im not critising or preaching. I was mearly trying to point out that from my point of view (I am entitled to one aren't I?) that in the grand stream of things I find it silly to put one persons death above others just because there...
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    Heath Ledger is D-E-A-D

    He Had so much potential you mean. An yes I was surprised to hear about this but all in all it doesn't affect me I mean how many so called fans will even remember him in a couple years time? Most of them will find someone else to like or to be obsessed about. I always find it strange how they...
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    ADV Films UK halt sale & distribution of select titles

    Well thats good news in some respects I just hope they get back to releasing titles somewhere along the line. I'm half way through most of the current ones an if they just cancelled them I would be left with about half of several uncomplete shows which would leave me gutted :cry:
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    ~The avatar thread~

    :P Well I couldn't resist. An yeah nice to see another fan aswell. I just wonder when they will bring out the Melty Blood manga as I love playing the games.
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    Persona 3 release date

    The release date for this has been on play for a long time I preordered last year sometime. But yeah looks like its going to be alot of fun to play. Thats one thing I like about the Shin Megami Tensei series there always fun an always a little different with each game so it doesn't get boring :D
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    Big ADV UK sale for one week; now - anime DVDs going for £1

    Well shame its not working at the moment but then again I already own most of the ones that I have any intrest in. If I had but know I would have waited this is just a great deal :eek:
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    ~The avatar thread~

    Correction thats Shiki Nanaya Shiki Tohno's alternate personality.
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    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Kurau Vol 3
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    New research to help prevent prostate cancer

    Thats like the best news ever for some people just think of the scene. Wife comes home an catches her man pleasuring himself to... lets say internet porn. She goes mad of course flying into a rage about it an so whats his come back? "Dont be mad im just trying to make sure I dont get prostate...
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    101 year old woman mugged.

    She is a 101 years old the thing would probably be heavier than she is. Not that she would be able to react in time even if she did after all the older you get the slower you get so I dread to think what she is like at that age :eek: But this is just a sick act preying on the elderly its the...
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    Are ADV going bust or something?

    Well this is a shame having all Newtype USA issues (apart from 2) it wont feel the same not getting an issue every month. Wonder what the new layout an name for this replacement that we might be getting will be like? A little information on there part wouldn't hurt guess we shall see in the...
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    It's not official but the Anime Network looks finished

    I expect better treatment after all were British an as such there cultural superiors with better breeding damn yanks can't treat us like were equals! *Ends Rant* Or well guess I expected this but its still a shame they did it after all it was doing well here. Lets see how it goes with Animecentral.
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    It's not official but the Anime Network looks finished

    Right so the reason it got the plug pulled here was because they pulled it in the good old U.S of A. Well that sucks. So guess it was nothing to do with ratings or costs or any such thing it was all down to AN USA going if were not having it your not either well thats great that is :x
  16. T

    It's not official but the Anime Network looks finished

    Well just got an email from animenetwork it seems it is now online! Although it seems this is only available to those in the US an Canada at the time being. Guess it is only a matter of time before it becomes available to us. Guess we will have to wait an see?
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    It's not official but the Anime Network looks finished

    Well having just read Neo there is a little bit about anime network it seems according to Hugh David they want to make anime networks programming free online? Could this mean it will continue online only or is that they want to expand it online aswell as have it on sky an shock us all by having...
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    This ever happen to anyone?

    Or yes lets see... Dear Death Note please kill chav number 1 by making it impossible for him so spit an as such choke on his own saliva slowfully an painfully. Dear Death Note please kill chav number 2 by having him ask a mad escaped convict for 20p for phone, bus, train etc an then have his...
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    AMECON 2008

    1. Yes I would say its a great place there are alot of different people to meet an fun events going on so yes one of the best cons I would say. 2. Not always so cheap as a matter of fact most is very expensive I have taken to waiting to the last day to buy most stuff as they normally tend to...
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    AMECON 2008

    I went as wait for it.............. Me! Yeah never cosplayed in my life but fun to meet people who do when I go. Although saying that I am some what tempted to cosplay this year but i'm undecided. Got about 9 months to make my mind up so we will see.