The geoblock on Patlabor is only triggered if country code is set to Japan.
I recommend the Japanese Movie 1+2 set which goes for around £40 before shipping. Has the original Japanese Dolby Surround track, Japanese Renewal redub, Bandai dub and English subtitles. It will go out of print in...
These titles have English subtitles
Batman Ninja* (sub+dub)
Ghost in the Shell 1995 (sub+dub) (all BD+UHD releases)
Love Live! The School Idol Project Season 1 + 2 + Movie (original and 2019 re-issue)
Love Live! Sunshine!! Season 1 + 2 + Movie (original and 2022 re-issue)
Love Live! Superstar...
I'm still waiting for my G Gundam + Build Fighters part 1 pre-order placed in September to ship. Both are in stock 2+ weeks. They shipped my CCS flash sale order the day after lol
Cardcaptor Sakura BD has a strange issue on the final three episodes + textless OP/ED 3 on Disc 10 where the surround channels on the Japanese track play 16 samples too early.
Despite 16 samples being less than 1ms (1ms is 48 samples in 48kHz), the difference is big enough to cause the music to...
BELLE US UHD does not share discs with the UK/FR release. US UHD is authored by Duplitech, UK/FR UHD by VDMS. Can't speak for the US UHD, but UK/FR UHD has HDR10 and Dolby Vision FEL.
There is a French standard edition of the UHD, but it omits the bonus discs. The French BD+Bonus discs were...
Frame corruption affects everyone, not just "videophiles". I dug this old screenshot up:
I forgot if the corruption occurs multiple times or only once.
Sentai BD of 2 has corrupted frames, so I hope they don't.
I'm not going to buy the AL release when a few months ago I picked up the reasonably priced Japanese 1+2 standard edition set with English subtitles, original Japanese theatrical track and Bandai dub...
Gundam The Origin I - VI set coming out in France on December 6.
I'd be interested in Shirobako if they do a new encode and include the OVAs but they'll probably just re-use Sentai discs. afaik outside Japan only Germany got the OVAs.
The Italian Dynit BD screenshot that I posted on the previous page doesn't have any of the banding artifacts on the left wall, green t-shirt and chair as seen on the French BDs. I've added the Italian screenshot to the comparison: GoW | Slowpoke Pics
For reference, here's a screenshot of the same scene from the Italian BD which has the best encode
edit: replaced imgur link with postimg link because imgur shows overly compressed image on mobile
Colors are shifted towards pink because of an improper BT.2020 to BT.709 conversion, but it's not too bad I guess unknown | Slowpoke Pics
EDIT: found a better comparison Evangelion: 3.0+1.11 Thrice Upon a Time (2021) v2 | Slowpoke Pics
It's in SDR, but you do get benefits of better compression and correct colors. The Japanese Blu-ray apparently has a botched color space conversion. I don't know if that's going to be fixed on the UK/US BDs.
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