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  1. I

    General Cartoons Thread So it turns out season 4 of Bravest Warriors which was not legally available outside the US is on Amazon Prime now. Took Frederator/Nelvana long enough to...
  2. I

    What did you BUY today?

    After 6 and a half years of watching Teen Titans Go. I finally decided to get the original series on Blu Ray
  3. I

    UK Anime Distributor Crunchyroll/Funimation/Manga UK Discussion Thread

    Thanks, that is very reassuring to hear considering Manga said their Bojack Horseman BDs would not have the extras (but it did anyway)
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    UK Anime Distributor Crunchyroll/Funimation/Manga UK Discussion Thread

    It's not anime I know but given Manga did release it here and I cant find any info at all about them, I was curious about their release of Adventure Time on Blu Ray, in particular the just released seasons 1-5 set. I so want to get it but I dont know how it compares to the US/Aus releases (I'm...
  5. I

    General Cartoons Thread

    If I can add to the Scooby Doo talk. This happened on Teen Titans Go recently
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    What did you BUY today?

    Recent purchases
  7. I

    General Cartoons Thread

    So Adventure Time finally showed up on Blu Ray over here. Anyone here bought them?, is there anything missing from the US/AUS releases or are they exactly the same in terms of content
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    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    I got me a happy/pink Raven from Teen Titans Go figure
  9. I

    The General Conversation Area

    I bought this months ago and only just put it up in my room
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    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    If you want your mind blown......
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    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Got these two today
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    So About the latest Funimation dub controversy

    So it was revealed recently that the English dub cast for the Dragon Ball franchise did some very questionable and offensive outtakes that got leaked by an insider that's related to the Vic Minogna drama that's been going on for months now. Is this considered forbidden to talk about?
  13. I

    What did you BUY today?

    Got this while in Manchester recently. The biggest suprise was that I didn't get another Raven one!
  14. I

    The General Conversation Area

    Anyone know any good places in Manchester that sell retro games?. Just curious
  15. I

    What did you BUY today?

    This is the 6th Raven figure I've got now
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    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Once again I miss the point of the "recieved today" part but I finally got me a Squid Girl figure all the way from if I could just get my hands on the US BD set with both seasons of the series on it
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    UK Anime Distributor Crunchyroll/Funimation/Manga UK Discussion Thread

    Woah, woah, woah, woah!, when did Manga UK decide to release Adventure Time and Steven Universe in the UK!?!. If they can make sure it's got the same content as the US releases I will be so getting them! (Shame about Bojack though since I looked up the US release and it's pretty packed extras...
  18. I

    What did you BUY today?

    Came across both of these and I just had to get them
  19. I

    General Cartoons Thread

    Really? I'm not that familiar with Supergirl so I cant agree or disagree. Batgirl on the other hand, I like what the show has done to her!
  20. I

    General Cartoons Thread

    September 2nd.......I'm so there Oh and this got announced too Oh and it looks like DC Super Hero Girls has started airing on CN UK, theres also a series of shorts being released weekly on YouTube, you can check them out here