Another Raven!?!.........I must be getting obsessed now.......and Tara Strong has seen my collection! (for the record she thought it was cute, but I'm thinking I'm going overboard now)
I figured since it's been out for a week now I think it's safe to ask if anyone here has given it a try. Me personally I'm loving it, getting to watch the classic Disney animated shows (some of which I've not seen in 2-3 decades) has been a blast and having pretty much every Disney movie is also...
I think this article might make sense of some of the hoarding going on right now
Guess my decision to get seasons 6-10 of Adventure Time from Australia was the right call. And geez, there goes any hope I had for Steven Universe over here (especially considering the US release is DVD only)
Okay, hot take here. As much as people dislike Trump and I do understand why (even I'm not big on him), is calling him say the next Hitler/Nazi getting tiresome by now?. I think after nearly 4 years of hearing about how hes the most evil man alive right now I've just become desensitized and...
So I dont know if this fits in the thread but it's about someone involved in cartoons. So today is Tara Strong's birthday and I decided to do something a bit special for it.........
Needless to say I think it went down well
Uh, Netflix and CBS are not on the best of terms after the negative fan reaction to Star Trek Discovery, Netflix turned down ST: Picard because of that and now its looking like negative fan reaction to that show might affect if of not a second season is put into production. Same could happen...
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