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  1. I

    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Happy pink Raven!
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    What did you BUY today?

    Another Raven!?!.........I must be getting obsessed now.......and Tara Strong has seen my collection! (for the record she thought it was cute, but I'm thinking I'm going overboard now)
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    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Its been quite a while since I got a Raven figure
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    What did you BUY today?

    Been a while since I bought something Raven related
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    Disney Plus UK

    What show would that be?
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    Disney Plus UK

    I figured since it's been out for a week now I think it's safe to ask if anyone here has given it a try. Me personally I'm loving it, getting to watch the classic Disney animated shows (some of which I've not seen in 2-3 decades) has been a blast and having pretty much every Disney movie is also...
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    The General Conversation Area I think this article might make sense of some of the hoarding going on right now
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    The General Conversation Area

    I'm suprised the MCM London Comic Con is still happening considering bigger ones (particularly the US ones) might get cancelled
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    What did you BUY today?

    Got this yesterday........this is my favourite Harley Quinn look
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    UK Anime Distributor Crunchyroll/Funimation/Manga UK Discussion Thread

    Guess my decision to get seasons 6-10 of Adventure Time from Australia was the right call. And geez, there goes any hope I had for Steven Universe over here (especially considering the US release is DVD only)
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    General Politics Thread

    Okay, hot take here. As much as people dislike Trump and I do understand why (even I'm not big on him), is calling him say the next Hitler/Nazi getting tiresome by now?. I think after nearly 4 years of hearing about how hes the most evil man alive right now I've just become desensitized and...
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    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    After watching PPG last year I finally decided to get a video game based off it Oh and as a bonus where I've put it (for now anyway)
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    General Cartoons Thread

    So Thundercats Roar recently dropped. 6 episodes are out so far?. Anyone here seen it given how badly received the initial teaser trailer for it was?
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    General Cartoons Thread

    So I dont know if this fits in the thread but it's about someone involved in cartoons. So today is Tara Strong's birthday and I decided to do something a bit special for it......... Needless to say I think it went down well
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    General TV/Movie News & Announcements

    Some videos from the Midnights Edge Youtube channel that has been covering the behind the scenes drama surround Star Trek Picard
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    General TV/Movie News & Announcements

    Uh, Netflix and CBS are not on the best of terms after the negative fan reaction to Star Trek Discovery, Netflix turned down ST: Picard because of that and now its looking like negative fan reaction to that show might affect if of not a second season is put into production. Same could happen...
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    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    I actually got this yesterday but.......whatevs
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    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    Another plush!
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    What did you BUY today?

    Another plush!
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    What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

    After nearly 7 years of watching TTG, its time to go back to where the animated Titans started