Due to the recent bandai and beez news over the past few days I ordered:
Planet axel:
Outlaw Star
Big O 1 and 2
Star Driver Parts 1 and 2
Bakuman part 1 with axel points
Durarara (These arrived today and while I was cheking the discs I never noticed any problems with...
A rightstuf package which avoided getting stung with customs charges so that was sweet. The pick of the lot is the Evangelion Platinum set which I'm looking forward to watching since I have only ever seen 3 episodes years ago on the sci-fi channel.
On a side note I saw a tweet by someone on...
I received that and house of five leaves today the both of them are really nice looking sets in my opinion. Both are my first digipacks (I think thats what their called) and I have to say I really like them compared to the other forms of packaging companies use.
Today I bought:
A book case from argos for my anime DVD's.
Some clothes and trainers
Tatami Galaxy (dont know anything about the show but I checked out a youtube video the other day and I loved the opening theme).
House of Five Leaves (I haven't even checked the opening for this but...
The bonus of receiving a rightstuf package without the import and handling charges now that the real prices are on the box unlike last week unfortunately.
Durarara is a definite pickup for me just waiting on the dub release from beez. I was going to pickup the sub only a while back but with the dub there is a miniscule chance my brother might watch it with me which is enough reason to wait.
I managed to finish sound of the sky and baccano in between studying over the past 3-4 weeks.
Sound of the sky was great I never thought I would like it but decided to buy it to get some new genres in my collection. It was a really beautiful show on the eyes, great character development and had...
The one on axelmusic is the American release which comes out the start of next year I think. I don't think it has been announced for a uk release yet I guess it depends on how well the first season sold for manga uk to decide to release it.
Gurren Lagann I thought it was a terrific show it always had me wanting to watch more and never had a dull moment so I'll give it a solid 9/10 would have been 10 if kamina hadn't died so early in the show I know it resulted in character development for simon but I thought he was hilarious and...
Since it seems you enjoy shonen shows and they are pretty much always long running I would suggest yu yu hakusho (112 episodes pretty cheap), I just started collecting Inuyasha which has like 170 episodes released in America with the final episodes getting released next year, possibly rurouni...
I ordered paranoia agent, eden of the east king of eden and paradise lost. I also decided to buy season 1 of Inuyasha since it was quite cheap on amazon.com and I have been interested to see what the show is like.
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