I'm slowly working my way through the first volume of the Initial D omnibus and I'm remembering why I fell in love with this series, what, 20 years ago?
Hoping to finish off the first 4 volumes before number 5 comes out in a couple of weeks.
I've watched the first 9 episodes so far and honestly I can't believe how OTT and gory this is. Not complaining, just really feels like a throwback to the OVAs of the 80s and 90s.
Didn't watch it when it was first airing for whatever reason, but I loved the OVA and first TV series for how...
First I owned? Well Space Invaders on the 2600 was the first I played back in...88 I think. But that was technically my parents console I suppose. It might have been the Duck Hunt/Mario Bros cartridge that came with the NES. Memory is hazy but I'd imagine me and my brother got that for Christmas...
Just finished watching Scent of a Spell which I thought was absolutely fantastic. Bought it along with Bumpkin Soup and Mermaid Legend as they came out recently and am really looking forward to watching those as well.
I think I already know the answer but I'm assuming it's worth getting round...
Apologies if this has already been talked about, but do we know when Baki season 1 preorders are likely to be posted? Had to double check the release date which was the 10th - had it preordered for a few weeks but no movement as yet.
Very late to this, but my favourites from last year (in no real order, aside from MF Ghost being number 1) would be:
MF Ghost
Synduality Noir
Wind Breaker
Go! Go! Loser Ranger!
The Fable
Viral Hit
Blue Miburo
Kaiju No. 8
Grendizer U
Trillion Game
Demon Lord 2099
Just finished off watching the A Certain Killer/A Killer's Key BD from Arrow. Really enjoyed both films, and the 30 min introduction on the disc was very nice too. Highly recommended for any fans of assassin films, especially those with a 60's vibe.
Playing through Donkey Kong Country Returns HD on Switch and Tales of Graces f Remaster on PS5 at the minute. Really loving both.
Played them both first time round on Wii in 2010 and it's really nice revisiting them. Tales especially as Graces has been my favourite in the series since first...
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