Recent content by JJ181

  1. J

    Manga Force - UK anime magazine hits national TV

    does anyone have any idea how many more issues are coming??! I'm running out of space! xD I checked the main company website but it still says 50... silly people :S
  2. J

    Manga Force - UK anime magazine hits national TV

    Woop :D got my DVDs just now ^^ Issue 20 free with issue 19. 19 - Tokyo Underground - Eps 10-14 20 - Street Fighter Alpha Generations 21 - X They all look very exciting :D Except street fighter which bored me a little O_O. Issue 22 is going to be Heat Guy J Eps 14-17 :)
  3. J

    Manga Force - UK anime magazine hits national TV

    yay well mine arrived! :D haven't watched them yet though, been too busy :( i wonder what 20 will be? Any guesses?
  4. J

    Manga Force - UK anime magazine hits national TV

    mine hasn't arrived yet O_O has any one else not got their copies? I guess i'll wait another week and then i'll complain? D:
  5. J

    Manga Force - UK anime magazine hits national TV

    oooooo it all makes sense now :D cheers. and lol at the dead leaves comment xD Yeah introducing newbies to really heavy stuff is fantastic!!! p.s. yay for quote towers! xD
  6. J

    Kurogane's Crappy Art LOLLERS.

    oh wow awesome :D
  7. J

    What's your car?

    non-existent xD
  8. J

    Kurogane's Crappy Art LOLLERS.

    eeee :D we <3 caffiene ^^ I can't wait :D
  9. J

    Kurogane's Crappy Art LOLLERS.

    lol xD grrrr :P so when are your next works going up? :)
  10. J

    Some previous works of mine

    wow O_O I really love your work :D keep them coming! <3
  11. J

    Kurogane's Crappy Art LOLLERS.

    *looks at hand* *looks back at Hyaku* :( *hands back the hand* :(
  12. J

    Anime UK News mascot character - can you draw one?

    wow nice everyone :D must say I do really love WTFDM and Cheeky's drawings :D we <3 you!
  13. J

    Kurogane's Crappy Art LOLLERS.

    wowza O_O *steals your drawing hand*
  14. J

    My Art

    wow O_O lovely style <3 keep it up :D
  15. J

    1 word to describe your day

    skive =D