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That looks incredible, I'm hungry after seeing that!

Completely not related to anything but my friend took me and my kids out to see the new Paddington film last night and it was just BRILLIANT. I have not laughed that hard in probably years. Got to the point where I was gasping for breath from laughing! Olivia Coleman and Antonio Banderas stole the show, I can't decide who I enjoyed more. The first film was pretty good, the second one was highly entertaining especially Hugh Grant taking a very interesting detour from his usual typecasting and this one was choc full of stupid humour (exactly my kind of thing) and completely ridiculous whilst also heart warming. Kids got round the fact that the mum is a different actor by suggesting it is like Dr Who or James Bond 😂

I haven't actually seen any of them but I have heard they're good/much better then one would expect, and I'm glad you and yours had a lovely time, I have read all the Paddington storybooks from the original run, even that one with all the Blue Peter stories in it! (so 13 books of stories IIRC) :)
They definitely are, I went into watching one with the preconceived idea it would be quite posh and a bit twee, but then it slaps you in the face with very silly physical humour and especially this latest one so funny it is pushing into Airplane levels of gags!

I'll cop to the fact that I'm more into things like, say, the 1993 adaptation of The Secret Garden than films filled with bodily function jokes and the like, but I do enjoy a bit of slapstick/physical silliness sometimes, I'm more of a Naked Gun fan that Airplane but your description has me somewhat intrigued, tbf one thing I liked about both Airplane and The Naked Gun is that they had a certain similarity with Muppet style humor, just somewhat more "adult" (also I love Hugh Grant had a crush on him ever since I was a kid!) :)

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Not sure how many people watched it (wouldn’t need many fingers to count the number of people I know who have Apple TV), but did you see Severance by any chance?

I have! It's superb, one of my favourite shows of all time. I love how much it rewards repeat viewings with all of the background details, and even the hiding-in-plain-sight details. Can't wait for season 2 to drop.
I'll cop to the fact that I'm more into things like, say, the 1993 adaptation of The Secret Garden than films filled with bodily function jokes and the like, but I do enjoy a bit of slapstick/physical silliness sometimes, I'm more of a Naked Gun fan that Airplane but your description has me somewhat intrigued, tbf one thing I liked about both Airplane and The Naked Gun is that they had a certain similarity with Muppet style humor, just somewhat more "adult" (also I love Hugh Grant had a crush on him ever since I was a kid!) :)

I can still remember being the only one in the cinema to laugh at that bit.
I assumed I was the only one to remember the Dirty Harry version.
Been having a bit of a fire sale with my Blu-ray anime collection over the past several weeks. I was going through it and taking things out that I either did not like, that I was never going to watch again, or just simply didn't need a physical copy of. Luckily, I have a few friends who buy anything and everything when it comes to anime, so they bought most of it from me for a fair price.

However, it made me realise just how much crap I bought when I started on my physical media journey last year. The past few months I've definitely been more selective in how I curate my collection and what I specifically buy.

I've started a spreadsheet of the on-going series sets that I am collecting, which I know will be coming to the grave with me. Those are my priority sets that I'm going to buy as they are released. Then, I've raised the threshold for what other sets need to fulfil before I buy it, by asking myself three simple questions:
  1. Is it a price I'm willing to pay?
  2. Am I going to watch it more than once?
  3. Do I need a physical copy of it for my collection? (can I satisfy the itch by watching it on Crunchyroll or sailing the high seas instead?)
The answer to these questions all have to be yes. If not, then it's going to be a no from me dawg.

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I was searching for a particular title the other day. In a box I came across 3 copIes of Kandagawa Jet Girls, Triage X and 2 of Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs.
A good bit of reinforcement to keep my buying down.
Unless it's an acceptable price. Usually £20 or less.
Been having a bit of a fire sale with my Blu-ray anime collection over the past several weeks. I was going through it and taking things out that I either did not like, that I was never going to watch again, or just simply didn't need a physical copy of. Luckily, I have a few friends who buy anything and everything when it comes to anime, so they bought most of it from me for a fair price.

However, it made me realise just how much crap I bought when I started on my physical media journey last year. The past few months I've definitely been more selective in how I curate my collection and what I specifically buy.

I've started a spreadsheet of the on-going series sets that I am collecting, which I know will be coming to the grave with me. Those are my priority sets that I'm going to buy as they are released. Then, I've raised the threshold for what other sets need to fulfil before I buy it, by asking myself three simple questions:
  1. Is it a price I'm willing to pay?
  2. Am I going to watch it more than once?
  3. Do I need a physical copy of it for my collection? (can I satisfy the itch by watching it on Crunchyroll or sailing the high seas instead?)
The answer to these questions all have to be yes. If not, then it's going to be a no from me dawg.

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I often flip between wanting to live a minimal lifestyle and wanting to own objects that even tangentially relate to my passions, lol. It's silly for me to go to extremes, because I know that what I really want is objects that make me smile and delighted when I see them in my house.

For example, the six Excel Saga DVDs take up a lot of space for just 26 episodes (though far less space than the equivalent show would take up back in the VHS days, lol). But it makes me so happy to see them there. Same with my Erased blu ray box set, or my imported Project A-Ko blu ray. Even if I never watch them again, those shows mean a profound amount to me, and I like owning them.

By contrast, there's definitely some shows and movies I've watched that I thought were fine, and that I'll definitely never watch again. I don't need to own them, and I'm happy to pass them onto a happy home. I'm not in a rush to sell them - I'm happy for them to sit on ebay until they find a happy home. Getting rid of those items helps me to appreciate the remaining items even more.
My mum's In hospital her blood pressure was too low plus she has not been eating properly for about 4 weeks and she a bit dehydrated.she fell off the bed so my dad called an ambulance they Recommended she go to the hospital.ive had no sleep since they took her to the hospital just before dad is with her.
My mum's In hospital her blood pressure was too low plus she has not been eating properly for about 4 weeks and she a bit dehydrated.she fell off the bed so my dad called an ambulance they Recommended she go to the hospital.ive had no sleep since they took her to the hospital just before dad is with her.
Hope she gets the treatment she needs and makes a quick recovery. Look after yourselves.
My mum's In hospital her blood pressure was too low plus she has not been eating properly for about 4 weeks and she a bit dehydrated.she fell off the bed so my dad called an ambulance they Recommended she go to the hospital.ive had no sleep since they took her to the hospital just before dad is with her.
Hope she gets the treatment she needs and makes a quick recovery. Look after yourselves.

Seconded, best wishes to you and your family @Anime1977 ❤️
Signed up for Disney Plus, it doesn't seem to have an easy way to hide anything you have started to watch before deciding "this movie isn't for me" and ditching it. Even fast forwarding to the end doesn't seem to work.

Quite annoying when the "continue watching" list has a few crap movies on.

Also in other news, my training as a train guard was signed off on Friday afternoon with today being my first shift as a "productive" guard, although I didn't do anything as I was spare.
I'm currently selling my old freestanding (well, not built in - you still have to hang it or prop it up against something else) mirror on fb marketplace (as I now have lovely built in mirrors on my compactum thingy), and keep getting creepy messages from random men saying stuff like "can I see your feet" "are there any better photos of you in the mirror
" and "do you like wearing tights" ugh honestly... have reported them all to fb and am also miffed cuz I'm trying to sell that mirror (plus a couple of other bits of furniture) and resent the timewasting as well as the unsolicited sexual comments... like even if I was on OnlyFans or the like there would be some etiquette involved and this is fb marketplace fer cryin' out loud! (BTW, this isn't directed at guys here who've made jokes with me that could I suppose be misconstrued, in public conversations on the forum bcuz the context is completely different, so rest assured I'm not miffed off with any of you!)
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I'm currently selling my old freestanding mirror on fb marketplace, and keep getting creepy messages from random men saying stuff like "can I see your feet" "are there any better photos of you in the mirror
" and "do you like wearing tights" ugh honestly... have reported them all to fb and am also miffed cuz I'm trying to sell that mirror (plus a couple of other bits of furniture) and resent the timewasting as well as the unsolicited sexual comments... like even if I was on OnlyFans or the like there would be some etiquette involved and this is fb marketplace fer cryin' out loud! (BTW, this isn't directed at guys here who've made jokes with me that could I suppose be misconstrued, in public conversations on the forum bcuz the context is completely different, so rest assured I'm not miffed off with any of you!)
You should send them back photos of crusty feet with fungal infections...

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