Highschool of the Dead Episode 1 (thoughts?)


So what did you guys think of the first episode? Damn! I've been waiting a while for it, and from the trailer.. kept me drooling for weeks. How often do you get a sick Zombie Anime like this? The last Zombie Anime I saw was Zombie Loan lol, actually that's the only Zombie Anime I've seen ever.


Sure, it's an Ecchi Anime.. but holy crap, I don't think it's possible to incorporate it any better then they did in Highschool of the Dead. I normally hate Ecchi Anime, but man, the action, camera angles, and the ecchi, my god. It's definitely one of the greatest Anime this season. Way to kick it off!

What did you guys think? Like it? Hate it? Could care less?

ARB EDIT: From what i know, the anime isn't getting a simulcast, so please do not link to streams or downloads of the episodes, thanks.
This was actually my first zombie anime :p

And I liked it, the art style is awesome, didn't mind the ecchi, it had excited near the end. I think this is going to be one of the best anime's of the season. Can't wait for the next episode ^_^.
Having watched it this morning, it certainly doesnt disappoint. I've read most of the manga and i dont think they cut anything out. The productions values are extremely high on this aswell!

I wouldnt say its the best series so far this year ;) (that belongs to DRRR). I would definately say thats its the best series out of the Summer season so far
i've had a watch of it, i love the little homage to the 28 Days Later theme about 15 minutes through :)

but hey, at least these are traditional zombies, i'm getting sick of all the running ones

*edit* and lots of jiggly boobs, lovely :D
Pretty much every reaction I've read to it so far has been positive, but I'm thinking I'll hold off watching it until it's a couple of episodes in. It's rather ironic given the title, but I actually thought the series was more interesting after the characters got out of the school.

I'm glad they're sticking close to the manga though; I'll be very disappointed if Simon doesn't get his little cameo.
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While i watched it, i thought it was probably the best anime series i've seen for a long time.
But then after, i felt sort of... i dont know if depressed is the right word, but it got me thinking about their situation.

I know its just a show, but anything to do with a human being in a pretty much helpless situation tends to put me in a bad mood (eg. SAW films).

Yet i still watched to the end, because other than a few certain scenes the show is just SO good! It takes a lot for me to watch something at the computer.
Im most probably going to be watching the rest of the series :D
I might watch an episode or two then wait for the DVDs (the series has been licensed by Sentai). Zombies, enormous jiggling knockers, and the director of Death Note; how can it not be awesome?
Vexon said:
ARB EDIT: From what i know, the anime isn't getting a simulcast, so please do not link to streams or downloads of the episodes, thanks.
The show is simulcast on theanimenetwork.com Though I don't know exactly what regions it is available in other than North America. I'm not in the UK, so I can't see if that's covered.

As for the show, I'm not really into fan service, so I'm not too keen on that side of it and don't think the show needs it to get watched. The zombie stuff is good enough for that. I'll keep watching it.
well the general premise is that a zombie apocalypse is something that is not encountered before, as a result they don't know how to cope with it, although Takasi has clearly been watchng zombie flicks though, he seems to know what he's doing
From what I've read of it, the manga goes through pretty much every zombie movie cliche you can think of - that's just the charm of it. It's best not to take it too seriously.

VVV I stand by my use of "cliché". Dictionary.com has my back on this one.
Professor Irony said:
From what I've read of it, the manga goes through pretty much every zombie movie trope you can think of - that's just the charm of it. It's best not to take it too seriously.
Edited for vocabulary, but yes don't take it to seriously. It sure as hell doesn't at times, but it also manages to weave in some very heart rendering tragedy.
What i really liked about the anime is that it managed to tread that fine line between keeping true to the source material, but give you enough other stuff to see it in a new light. The sounds (effects and music), the placing ( every difficult to do in manga) and the use of different video motions (the opening visual novel style, the cgi sweep rounds as well as the giggle matics) all give that little more spice to the dish.
Also helps I've been playing Left 4 dead 2 for the last three nights.
100% agree with the use of cliche over trope in this instance, fwiw. Trope is a massive buzzword from the last couple of years that now gets way over-used to the point of misuse.
JohnC said:
As for the show, I'm not really into fan service, so I'm not too keen on that side of it and don't think the show needs it to get watched. The zombie stuff is good enough for that. I'll keep watching it.
I second that.
Zombie head-smashing = Awesome
Jiggly boobs and panty shots = Not so awesome
Rakuen said:
JohnC said:
As for the show, I'm not really into fan service, so I'm not too keen on that side of it and don't think the show needs it to get watched. The zombie stuff is good enough for that. I'll keep watching it.
I second that.
Zombie head-smashing = Awesome
Jiggly boobs and panty shots = Not so awesome

These comments pretty much sum up my thoughts of it, the fan-service didn't effect my overall enjoyment, so i'm going to continue watching the series.

memorium said:
i've had a watch of it, i love the little homage to the 28 Days Later theme about 15 minutes through

That put a smile on my face when I heard that theme :D
Let's just be honest here. Summer anime season of 2010, 80% of it is absolute garbage which you wouldn't waste your time with, unless of course you're ilmaestro.

So this having zombies and some ****** fan service it's suddenly getting a lot of praise and being lauded as "Anime to watch this year" I watched it and slightly enjoyed it, but come on now. You can't be serious, if this didn't have zombies in it, no one would give a **** about it. I spoke about it with a friend before and we both came up with the same conclusion. The best moment was when the 28 Days Later tune came on, it wasn't even in the manga. (That BFF scene was pretty funny too)
You know what? I tend to go through a phase of really wanting to watch an ecchi because of how hilarious it is but that rarely comes to fruition, so with that said on my inexperience of the genre, it was really jarring to see that matched with the story in this and it can't be like that in every show, surely? It was like the director (awesome, btw) didn't want to but was forced to put shots off the ass, bounce and cleavage in. I really wanted to watch a show where shirts got torn off Hulk-style but that just didn't happen and I was given quick awkward shots of the butt.

I'll keep watching - but only for the cinematography and score.
I thought it was okay... a few pantsu shots, and a female lead freaking out. Plenty of action at the very least.
It was more realistic than I could have guessed. Ask me about a zombie anime 2 years ago and I'd laugh at ya.
I think the closest/best experience with zombies I've had in an anime before was with the first Hellsing. And it wasn't very convincing.

But this is a good change. We get to see a vampire anime coming out on a semester basis, and not to mention Hollywood's vampire films coming out every year in many camouflaged flavours.

For the sake of comparison, I consider this the most entertaining title so far. Brainless entertainment, however. I consider the fanservice unnecessary, but it doesn't bother me either. I think I've grown so accustomed to it that I don't even bother complaining anymore.

I expect Shiki to be the best this season, as the most intellectual and entertaining title. Perhaps something like Higurashi, but not exactly. I won't dare to compare both either, as I want to be able to enjoy both separately and without expectations.

As for this season, I don't think it's bad. When was the last really good season we had? In 2007 I'd say.