Zatôichi on Film4, on September 17th 2010 at 1:10am


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Zatôichi on FILM4, on September 17th 2010 at 1:10am

Just a reminder to you all Film4 are showing Zatôichi, on 17/09/2010 at 1.10am. The film is directed and starting Takeshi 'Beat' Kitano who is playing a blind samurai in the title role.

Takeshi Kitano is awesome. The final scene is a favourite. I'll just find it in youtube now....
Also, the character of zatoichi is so iconic in Japan, it spawned several blind swordmans in many animes.
A msut watch, IMHO.
I'll record it to the playstation....but will it be dubbed or subbed?
I saw Laputa the other month at around was the subbed version.
I'll record it to the playstation....but will it be dubbed or subbed?
I saw Laputa the other month at around was the subbed version.

It'll almost definitely be subbed, there's no dub on the UK DVD/blu-ray, although it wouldn't surprise me if if a dub was included on the US release.

Awesome movie incidentally, and the blu-ray is available pretty cheaply too!