Saekano ep 0 & 1 - Nearly ten years ago now, Bakemonogatari revolutionized Light Novels. More than five years ago, its move over to anime was similarly spectacular, basically showing the world how you can actually create a high quality, modern harem anime. Since then, it seems like the number of harem shows has done nothing but go up, while the quality quickly nosedived back to the dark ages of the genre's unwatchable roots.
Saekano might be the first show I've seen since then that really seems to have understood the spirit in which Bakemonogatari was made. Don't misunderstand me - this is not that show, and maybe nothing ever can be - but for me this is the second ever entry in the Modern Harem genre. I watched the first episode of Shinmai Maou no Testament just before this, and the comparison would be so laughable that I'm not even going to give that show its own separate entry in this post.