Kids on the Slope Episode 1 (REWATCH, English subbed) (with friend A and yes they really like it too and we're gonna watch the whole thing together)
Delicious in Dungeon Episode 3 (English dubbed) (with friend A also)
Spy x Family Episode 1 (English dubbed)
Maison Ikkoku Episodes 1-72 (REWATCH, English dubbed) (just noting where I am up to for anyone curious)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episodes 1-10 (REWATCH) - I've seen this before my friend B hasn't big things are coming v nailbiting etc. XP
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 (REWATCH) - Have now finished S1 with the other friend C I am rewatching the series with, I think it speaks to the quality of this series that I can be rewatching it with two different people at the same time and still enjoy it so much
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu Season 1 (English subbed) - I absolutely loved this, and can totally see why so many people rave about it - it's one of those shows who's strength partly lies in being themed around something quite specific that it explores as an artform/craft, and I got really invested in the characters and the rakugo performances they do, I found myself remembering bits of some of the stories that they tell on stage as well as moments with the characters of the series themselves. Honestly as the end of S1 approached I was
worried that Kiku would really turn out to be a murderer because it didn't really seem to quite gel with what we'd seen of him in the series thus far - someone who could be cold and icy but was physically gentle generally and not prone to violence - I think that speaks to how well the series is crafted, that I passionately wished for him not to have done such a thing, not because I always liked him but because I did not feel it would be true to his character. I am really looking forward to watching Season 2 Descending Stories soon!