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Valkyria Chronicles episodes 16, 17 and 18
Haruhi Suzumiya season 2 episodes 6, 7 and 8

(Re Watch)
Ah! My Goddess complete collection
1-12 of Ergo Proxy - Remember picking this up back in the day when I was a typical Shounen kid, and Paul was still on here. He was hyping this show up to the max, I gave it a try but didn't like it (It was basically like watching GitS except the protagonist was Amy Lee instead of Pamela Anderson) now after being far more experienced and giving it a second try I'm liking it a fair bit. Pino is the only loli I've ever liked in all my days as an anime fan.

Oh and BONES are showing early signs of messing up the new FMA anime, please God, don't let them dig up their mother's remains and it turns out to be Dante.
Lupus said:
1-12 of Ergo Proxy - Remember picking this up back in the day when I was a typical Shounen kid, and Paul was still on here. He was hyping this show up to the max, I gave it a try but didn't like it (It was basically like watching GitS except the protagonist was Amy Lee instead of Pamela Anderson) now after being far more experienced and giving it a second try I'm liking it a fair bit. Pino is the only loli I've ever liked in all my days as an anime fan.

Oh and BONES are showing early signs of messing up the new FMA anime, please God, don't let them dig up their mother's remains and it turns out to be Dante.
Don't worry, theres no Dante.
Couple of weeks ago I watched the complete series of Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai (Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi) after ordering it from one of Aion’s cheap box set discoveries (cheers Aion). I was a tad skeptical at first when I started on this anime. I though it was dumb, stupid and pointless… but I decided to stick with it anyway. Eventually my opinion greatly changed with regards to this series. Basically it started to explain itself because at first it was just completely random. The characters are loveable and the comedy was first class in places. Made me laugh out loud anyway.
The animation isn’t fantastic for a 2002 release but it doesn’t take anything from the story line. If I had to compare it to another anime, I’d have to say it was very much like FLCL but only in style rather than story or animation quality. Anyone who likes something a bit far out, comical but with an underlying serious theme… you couldn’t do better. I gave this series a 7/10 on MAL. It wasn’t the best I’ve seen by far, but definitely worth the price I paid and also worth watching for something a bit different.
(Further Note) Watch the sub coz the redneck accents of the dub will grind you down eventually. *shudders*

Last week I watched Baccano! the series and OVA. Let me start by saying, I Loved it! Great anime! It’s easy to get into and as long as your watching the series clear headed pretty easy to follow too. The series is based mainly in the 1930’s but on occasion does flash to other decades.
The anime takes on a very Pulp Fiction esc style of story line. There is no real main character as it follows several characters at the same time. Basically you start with the ending and work your way back (very much like Pulp Fiction like I said). The characters are ALL loveable (even the most murderous). Animation is a pleasure to watch and the backing track suits it to the ground. There’s nothing more I can really say without adding spoilers. (Besides, Isaac and Miria are totally my faves). I gave this series and OVA 7.5/10 (a high 7.5). I suggest this anime for everyone. Easy to watch and loads of fun.

This week I started watching Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai. So far I’m 4 episodes in and finding the anime’s drawing me in. I loved the first series and am looking frwd to finally having some of my questions answered. Definitely a good series if you remotely like a bit of Horror. Loli and gore. Can’t beat it. Heh.

I probably would have finished that series this week too, however another series got in the way. I was with a friend at the weekend who’d seen Claymore somewhere before and liked the look of it. Once he knew that I had the series myself, we started watching them from the start. I watched 6 episodes with him before we parted ways… but now I can’t leave it be. Every nite since I’ve continued watching it. Forgot how much I love dthe series. Another one I suggest you all watch. Once watched, I’ll be able to complete Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai. Looking forward to it too. XD

Once that’s completed, I have Soul Eater, Mononoke, The Wings of Honneamise and Gundam 00 Season 02! So, only a few items to watch then. :p
Blue Seed. A pretty predictable series about a girl who is supposed to save the world from demon like creatures Origani (iirc). The interesting bit is that the easy way for her to do it would be to sacrifice herself, but instead of that she joins a government group that fight these creatures. The problem I have is that it has too much comedy to be a serious show, but does not feel like a comedy either. The best bit for me were the Omake Theatre extras.
Sentimental Journey 1-3

A 12-episode TV series based on a non-adult dating sim called Sentimental Graffiti. Each episode centres around a different young girl who is having to deal with unrequited love or somesuch. And it's incredibly tedious. While the stories are fairly straightforward, they're so tortourously dull that my attention frequently wanders, leaving me with literally no idea what the hell is going on when I snap back to reality. It's just as well I only paid four and half quid for this steaming turd.
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei 1-4

Episode 1 was just over the top silly fun featuring Keiichi's rapid descent into lolicon-ism. Also, "Fur Seal" is the single most hilarious euphemism of all time.

With it being an OVA after the plot had been tied up satisfactorily at the end of Series 2, I expected it all to be like this really and was surprised that episodes 2-4 in fact formed another good little plot arc harking back to the earlier series'.
Umineko no Naku Koro ni eps 6+7

The start of the second chapter arc, it moves along a bit quicker this time. Looking forward to where its going to go with

@Ayase, i've still got most of Higurashi Rei to watch, i was viewing it as it came out but then i got distracted by other things and promptly forgot about it.
Watched up to episode 24 of Claymore the night before last and planned on watching the last two episodes last night beore I continued with Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai. I must have been more tired than I had thought coz I barely got into the 25th Claymore episode and passed out. Got woken up to a laptop in the face an hour later lol. At least it didn't end up on teh floor. O_O
FMA Brotherhood 10-11

a certain someone is dead already and i still refuse to belive that's Ed's VA is Temari's, she sounds too much like Naruto that i'm positive it's her
Watched the first 8 episodes of Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 and im quite enjoying it. It has a slow start but it still draws me back to watch more. Most likely will watch the 3rd and 4th volume tomorrow :)

Also watched the first 5 episodes of Lyrical Nanoha A's and it seems pretty good so far (I was curious about it so i thought i'd watch that first before watching StrikerS, it seems very popular over in Japan for some reason)
Texhnolyze Ep.1-8

Had this sitting on my shelf a while and decided to give it a try this morning. Enjoying it so far, although the plot only just feels like its starting to gather some pace. Not that it being slow moving was an issue. Really love the artwork, big fan of the ABe style.
Coyote Ragtime Show. Quite an entertaining space treasure race between the coyotes (space outlaws) and the crime syndicate. The twist the planet they are trying to get to where the treasure is hidden, is about to be blown up in a war.

Also watched the first few episodes of Hayate The Combat Butler. Well I was not sure what to expect, but this is one entertaining show.
I did it, I actually did it, I actually finished a Gundam series, it didn't finish too badly considering it was apparently canceled, but now I can finally move on. Downloading War in the Pocket at the moment and once I'm done with that I'll start Zeta. Also got done with Ergo Proxy, it was basically one big circle but enjoyable regardless.
Decided to start rewatching Galaxy angel season 1. Partly because I had a galaxy angel itch, and also to prove to myself that I can actually rewatch my anime DVDs instead of buying them, watching them once and then watching the next new series.

Curse you backlog of anime!
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Episode 20
The brilliance of the manga is shining through more and more as the anime becomes progressively more faithful to it, and the emotional impact of some of the scenes in this episode were amplified hugely by the use of music, which obviously the manga lacked. The pacing has now slowed down to the ideal, and it's really paying off. This series has now really climbed to the top of the roost in my mind and if it maintains the level of quality seen in this episode then it could, for me, outdo the original series and almost match the manga, which in my mind is very high praise.
I don't see how the anime can become more faithful if it's already misplaced and yet to use several key scenes from the manga. Btw iisan, have you read the manga?

Oh and I started SaiKano, don't want to be an ignorant derp, but... god damn this show is boring. The main character gets told his girlfriend is the ULTIMATE weapon and she could casually solo the Narutoverse and he's like "Oh yeah? Awesome. Well, don't mind me, I'll be playing Halo 3 when you get home from smashing America." WHAT?